
Professor Dr Marianne Howarth is Emeritus Professor of Modern Languages and former Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities at Nottingham Trent University.

A Germanist by academic background, she studied at the universities of Hull, Vienna, Münster and Nottingham. She has taught at Coventry, Marburg, Brighton and Nottingham Trent universities, and was a Visiting Lecturer at Manchester Business School.

The author/co-author of several business German textbooks, her main research interests centre on Anglo-German relations, in particular on relations between Britain and the former German Democratic Republic. She has published widely in English and German on many aspects of this topic, including the campaign for recognition, the GDR presence in Britain, the early years of the diplomatic relationship and on partnerships between British and GDR towns and cities.

Marianne was a founder member of the International Association of the Study of German Politics. In addition to her academic interests and activities, Marianne has extensive experience in academic standards and quality management. She was Chair of Nottingham Trent’s Academic Standards and Quality Management Committee, an auditor/reviewer for QAA and QAA Scotland, and the international reviewer in teams appointed to accredit provision at institutions in Ireland and Germany.

Marianne was also the first chair of QAA’s Subject Benchmark Statement for Languages and Related Studies.

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Anne was a senior civil servant until 2020. The majority of her career was in the Department for Education where she held a range of posts, many of which involved support for disadvantaged learners. Her final role was as Director of Further Education.
Before joining the civil service, Anne was an officer in the Royal Air Force serving in Hong Kong and at RAF Cranwell.

She is currently chair of trustees for a growing multi-academy trust in Leicestershire and governor of a large further education college. She is also vice chair and lead education trustee for NACRO, a national social justice charity.

Anne gained an MBA form Nottingham Business School and is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.

She is studying for a Masters in Philosophy.

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