Find a Teacher Training course
Ranked 1st in the UK for Teaching Quality (The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025)
Showing 12 Teacher Training courses

PGCE Primary (Full Time)

PGCE Secondary
PGCE Secondary
Primary Education with QTS
BA (Hons)
Primary Education with QTS
PGCE Primary (Part-Time)

FdA Primary Teaching Studies

Primary Teaching Studies with QTS
BA (Hons)
Primary Teaching Studies with QTS
Assessment Only Route to QTS (Primary and Secondary)
Teacher Training
Assessment Only Route to QTS (Primary and Secondary)
Certificate in Education (Teaching Post-16 and Further Education)

Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Teaching Post-16 and Further Education)

Primary Teacher Apprenticeship (QTS)
Teacher Training
Primary Teacher Apprenticeship (QTS)
Secondary Teacher Apprenticeship (QTS)
Teacher Training
Secondary Teacher Apprenticeship (QTS)