Extension Request & Extenuating Circumstances
Extension Requests
You can apply for an extension if you are concerned you are unable to complete a piece of work by the submission date. There must be a valid reason for the extension request and written third party evidence should be provided to support the reason given, e.g. a doctor’s letter or medical certificate.
Applying for an extension
You will need to complete a ‘Request for Extension’ form which is available from the BGU Student Portal under the Info and Tools tile. The completed form must be submitted to the Faculty Administration Office at extensions@bishopg.ac.uk before the assignment submission date.
The latest you can submit your extension request is 24 hours before your assignment deadline. Any extension applications that are submitted on or after the hand-in date cannot be accepted.
A decision will be made whether to grant you an extension, and how long to give. This will normally be for a period not exceeding ten working days. You will be notified of the decision usually within five working days and given the new date for your assignment submission.
If you are unable to submit the work in time and believe you have a valid reason, you will need to make a request for Extenuating Circumstances.
Extenuating Circumstances
If you are unable to meet a deadline, or if you submit work but feel your performance was affected by circumstances beyond your control, it is possible to ask the Board of Examiners to consider extenuating circumstances.
There must be a valid, unforeseen and evidenced reason why the work could not be completed or was affected. If the request is upheld by the Board this will usually result in the chance for you to do the work again as a first attempt with a full range of marks, rather than as a re-sit. If the request is rejected you will still have a re-sit opportunity which will have a maximum mark of 40%.
Applying for Extenuating Circumstances
You will need to complete an Extenuating Circumstances Application Form which is available on the BGU Student Portal under the Info and Tools tile.
All sections of the form must be completed and returned with corroborating evidence to the Quality Team. The deadline for claiming Extenuating Circumstances is normally 7 days after the hand-in date.
When submitting an application you are strongly advised to deliver it personally to the Quality Office where you will have the opportunity to discuss your circumstances with a member of the department.