Course summary
This is an assessment only route to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), appropriate for very experienced graduates who have more than two years’ successful teaching experience in two or more schools, colleges or settings. Candidates will be able to demonstrate that they are already meeting the Teachers’ Standards, without further training, before the commencement of the Assessment Only process.
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Apply for this course
Applications are open on the following dates for 2024/25:
- September Cohort - Applications now closed
- January Cohort - Applications now closed
- April Cohort - Applications now closed
Please note that the application window will close at the end of the time period or when the cohort has been filled.
Please also submit the Initial Self Assessment of the Teachers’ Standards with your application. Assessment form can be found here.
About this course
The normal duration of the route is twelve weeks, during which candidates will be required to demonstrate that they are meeting the Teachers’ Standards in practice through evidence collected from direct lesson observation and a portfolio of evidence.
Successful completion of the Assessment Only route enables candidates to be recommended for QTS to the Department of Education and become a qualified teacher without the requirement to undertake a full ITT programme.
There will be three enrolment points at the beginning of each academic term. Enrolment will typically take place in:
· September
· January
· April
What Our Students Say
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Entry Requriments
This route will enable successful candidates to achieve Qualified Teacher Status. QTS is not only a valuable recognition that a teacher is meeting the Teachers’ Standards but also a pathway to career progression in the teaching profession. Bishop Grosseteste University welcomes, encourages and supports further continuing professional development towards MA Education following the completion of the Assessment Only route.
The Assessment Only route is appropriate for candidates who:
- Hold a first degree or equivalent qualification granted by a United Kingdom institution or an equivalent degree or other qualification granted by a foreign institution.
- Have substantial, successful teaching experience.
- Have achieved a standard equivalent to a grade 4 (formerly a grade C) in GCSE English Language and Mathematics.
- Have, in the case of those who intend to teach pupils aged 3-11, achieved a standard equivalent to a grade 4 (formerly a grade C) in a GCSE science subject, in addition to the GCSE English Language and Mathematics.
- Have and can provide evidence of a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.
- Candidates are supported by a ‘sponsoring’ school in which they are currently working as an unqualified teacher.
Applicants will need to specify the two age ranges they would like to be assessed in. This will be in two of the age ranges below
- Early Years and Key Stage 1 (3 - 7)
- KS1 and 2 (5-11)
- KS3 and 4 (11-16)
- KS4 and 5 (14-19)
As this is an assessment only process, candidates will be required to provide evidence that the Teachers’ Standards have been met in two age ranges, with experience in at least two settings. If it is determined during the initial screening process that additional experience is needed, we will advise the candidate on how this might be gained prior to the commencement of the twelve week assessment period.
The help and guidance offered throughout the assessment only route to achieving QTS was an invaluable part of the whole process! The tutors were available to answer any queries and put my mind at ease when needed. This made the whole experience very positive.
Assessment Only Primary Route
Stages of Assessment
Academic Assessment (Stage 1)
Fee: £700
The candidate will be visited in school by a member of the Academic Faculty. The visit will include:
· Meeting with the school sponsor (typically, the headteacher) and the candidate.
· A lesson observation leading to agreed targets for the candidate.
· A fundamental English and maths assessment.
Following the visit, the member of the Academic Faculty will make a decision on the available evidence to recommend that the applicant moves to stage 2 of the assessment process.
At the end of the Stage 1 Academic Assessment, the candidate will receive a written report identifying areas of strength and development. The Stage 1 Academic Assessment fee is non-refundable.
Academic Assessment (Stage 2)
Fee: £1700
The candidate will be visited in school by two members of the Academic Faculty. Typically, one of these will be a subject specialist. The visit will include:
· Formal lesson observations.
· Scrutiny of the candidate’s portfolio of evidence against the Teachers’ Standards.
· Discussion with the candidate and relevant staff within the setting.
If successful, the Faculty Administration Office will make recommendation for QTS to the DfE and will notify the candidate. If unsuccessful, that is the end of the process and the application will be rejected.
Regardless of the outcome, the candidate will receive a written report identifying areas of strength and development at the end of the Stage 2 Academic Assessment. The Stage 2 Academic Assessment fee is non-refundable.
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Fees & Funding
The total cost of the Assessment Only route for 2024/25 is £2550. This is paid in three instalments:
£150 Initial payment to process application
£700 Interim payment for the admissions process leading to Stage 1 Assessment
£1700 Final balance to move to Stage 2 Assessment
*Please note that additional visits, travel and administrative time requested or required may be chargeable at cost.