Ranked 1st in the UK for Teaching Quality (The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2025)

Why study this course

Gain Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) while continuing to work as a Teaching Assistant

Build on knowledge gained on your Foundation Degree, and the experience you have from your work in primary schools

With over 160 years of experience in teacher education, and our long-standing national reputation within the field, you will develop an understanding of how practice and theory are linked by working in small teaching groups with a range of expert leaders

Our excellent pastoral support can enable you to feel at ease, relaxed and supported both academically and personally

Course summary

Are you a teaching assistant currently working in a primary school, or working in an equivalent educational setting? If you’ve recently completed a relevant Foundation Degree and are looking to pursue a career in primary teaching, then this course could be the perfect next step for you. The course is a stimulating and challenging degree at honours level, developing the qualities required in 21st century teachers.

This course will be delivered via blended learning where students will be taught remotely for the equivalent of 1 day per week. Roughly one day each half term, students will attend campus for sessions, and the remainder of the taught content will be delivered through a mix of synchronous and asynchronous sessions to allow students flexibility. Some placements may take place in the school in which students are working as a TA.

Key facts


BA (Hons)

UCAS code



16 months

Mode of study

Full-time blended

Start date

September 2025


Bishop Grosseteste University

Institution code


Apply for this course

When you're ready to apply, the route you take will depend on your personal circumstances and preferred method of study. Click the relevant button below to start your application journey.

About this course

A combination of practice-based learning, campus-based and online sessions and private study will allow you to continue in work whilst studying, and the use of the Virtual Learning Environment will enable you to access course materials and undertake tasks in your own time. You’ll examine the current theory, with each module containing teaching, assessment and independent work, all of which are directly relevant to the primary classroom. School placements will ensure the knowledge and skills you acquire are also strongly anchored in practice.

This is a stimulating and challenging vocational degree course that also leads to a professional qualification. To make the most of it you’ll need to be highly motivated and well-organised, and equally confident in learning with others as learning independently. In return, you’ll benefit from the opportunity to equip yourself with the academic and professional qualities required in 21st-century teachers.

What you will study

Our curriculum is underpinned by the Core Content Framework (DfE, 2019), which students will revisit at increasing depth so that they learn more, know more and remember more. This runs alongside three placements where students will learn how to apply the principles of teaching, being formatively assessed against our curriculum, before the summative assessment against the Teachers’ Standards at the end of the programme.

This module aims to introduce you to the skills, knowledge and understanding required to teach pupils in primary and early years. In this module, the core subjects will be the main focus, with foundation subjects and RE introduced in preparation for placement and the Developing Pedagogy, Curriculum and Assessment module. It will develop understanding of the National Curriculum and Early Years Statutory Framework. You will be supported to develop their understanding of approaches to planning, and the importance of assessment in informing planning from a generic and subject specific perspective.

Subject specific pedagogical approaches will be considered in each session. Sessions will include a focus on child development and the importance of adopting different approaches for different age phases. You will undertake work-based learning tasks that introduce you to aspects of assessment and planning that you may not have been involved in during your TA work.

The module will be assessed through a formative written assignment and summatively through written coursework which will include a reflection on choices made in lesson plans.

This module aims to enable you to construct a greater understanding of both yourself as a developing professional, and your place within a school community.

You will expand your understanding of aspects of teaching such as safeguarding, reflective practice and working with others. You will engage in work based learning that builds on and enhances your current role in school and facilitates a greater understanding of how theory and policy underpin what it means to be a professional in primary schools.

This module will encompass a focus on relationships and wellbeing, and will be assessed through an online debate.

This module aims to enable you to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding required to teach pupils in primary and early years. In this module, the foundation subjects will be the main focus, with core subjects being revisited in this module. It will develop understanding of the National Curriculum and Early Years Statutory Framework.

You will be supported to develop your understanding of the value of cross-curricular planning whilst recognising the importance of sequencing learning across different subjects. You will continue to develop your knowledge and understanding of the purpose of formative and summative assessment to inform planning. You will undertake work-based learning tasks that allow you to analyse different pedagogical approaches used in primary schools and evaluate these against current research.

This module will introduce you to current perspectives and policy around all aspects of inclusion and behaviour management. It will develop the knowledge you have already gained from your TA role (often working with children with SEN or behavioural difficulties) and broaden this further, preparing you to support children with a range of barriers to learning.

Aspects of this will include work-based learning tasks that will require you to observe in schools, have discussions with relevant staff and reflect on what you have seen in relation to the taught content of the module.

This module will be assessed through a written assignment about behaviour and inclusion.

This module aims to enable you to further enhance the skills, knowledge and understanding required to teach pupils in primary and early years. In this module, all primary subjects will be revisited, and the module will specifically focus on you reflecting on your own subject and pedagogical development. It will develop understanding of assessment in the National Curriculum and Early Years Statutory Framework.

You will undertake work-based learning tasks that allow you to evaluate and analyse different approaches to assessment used in primary schools.

This module aims to prepare you for your future roles as primary school practitioners. It will particularly focus on the change in identity of TAs who are becoming teachers. Knowledge and understanding about the importance of effective professional development, in order to continue to improve throughout a teaching career, will be considered through a work-based learning project in which you will identify personalised targets and use these to develop your practice. This will be reflected upon as part of the assessment of the module. Another aspect of the module will be examining teacher/parent relationships and will also form the basis of a work-based learning project.

The module will be assessed though the production of an online assessed presentation.

In this module the you will conduct individual research projects related to behaviour and inclusion in education. It builds on previous experience with research. You will design your own study, formulate questions, choose appropriate methods for the methodology, collect and analyse data, as well as take responsibility for ethical practice. Generic sessions will support your knowledge and understanding, and further assistance will be available during group/individual tutorials throughout the module.

This module will build on the knowledge and understanding demonstrated in the Behaviour and Inclusion module. It will delve further into policy and practice, and will also consider research into behaviour and inclusion in more depth. This will inform a research project about an aspect of behaviour or inclusion to be agreed with tutors at the beginning of the module.

An ethics proposal will be written and submitted near the start of this module and will be non-credit bearing. The module will be assessed through completion of a research project.

Entry requirements

You will normally have satisfactorily complete a Level 5 qualification such as BGU’s FdA in Professional Studies (Education) or a DIP HE (Diploma of Higher Education including 120 credits at Level 4 and 120 credits at Level 5) and possess GCSEs in English, Mathematics and Science at grade 4 (previously C) or above (or equivalent). If you have a Foundation degree obtained at another institution we will closely consider the content to confirm whether it is a suitable match.

A reference from your school will be required before an interview. Please ensure that someone who works with you is able to provide this either on your UCAS form or before your interview.

Applicants are expected to be working as TA for a minimum of 2 days per week, and have written support from their school; a PTS Partnership Agreement form will need to be completed as a condition of enrolment. At least two years’ experience is desirable.

Further information

Click here for important information about this course including additional costs, resources and key policies.

In accordance with University conditions, students are entitled to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning, RP(C)L, based on relevant credit at another HE institution or credit Awarded for Experiential Learning, (RP(E)L).

How you will be taught

This 16 month course is aimed at teaching assistants, with an appropriate Level 5 qualification, working in primary schools. It allows you to combine your work in a school with study towards an honours degree. You will learn through the VLE for most of the course, with approx one day on campus for face to face sessions every half term. Modules will all include integrated work based learning activities which you will reflect on with tutors and peers and will inform you academic learning.

You will develop your understanding of curriculum subject knowledge and pedagogy, assessment, behaviour management and inclusion with a view to practical applications in the classroom. This course ensures that theory is firmly anchored in practice which is particularly relevant to the small-scale research project you will be asked to complete during the course.

School placements are an integral part of the course and at the end of the course, you will be assessed against the national Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) standards. The final teaching placement will usually occur during the autumn term of the second year.



There are a range of assessments built into this course including an individual presentation, assignments, small-scale research, reports and work-based portfolios. All assessments are marked by a range of tutors and you will receive detailed feedback.

Careers & Further study

Former graduates of the top up degree with QTS have become successful teachers in a range of primary settings.

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‘Head Teachers’ Frequently Asked Questions – more about the PTS Partnership Agreement’

Information for PTS applicants’ schools.

Is important that head teachers and governing bodies of PTS trainees’ ‘home schools’ are aware of the commitment required by the school. Below are some questions that head teachers frequently ask:

Blended learning aims to make this course more flexible for trainees, and for you as their employing school. Their sessions will be conducted through a variety of different ways including face to face, online Live and online Pre records sessions.

Trainees will need to be on campus for one day per half term.

No, in our new blended learning delivery approach, we aim to ensure that online live sessions happen in the evenings, and much of the taught content will be delivered in a way that enables them to manage their own time around their TA work.

However, PTS trainees would benefit greatly from ring-fencing time for study during the school week. This is something that you and your TA can negotiate.

Yes – in part. During the majority of the year, TA/trainees will study around their TA commitments and are required to continue their TA role (either paid or voluntary) in their ‘home’ school for a minimum of 2 days per week. However, during placement times, the trainee will not be able to carry out their role as a TA as they will need to be a trainee teacher for these weeks. Placement periods are all day, Mon-Fri even if the trainee only works part time as a TA, and even if the placement is in their ‘home’ school.

We are not able to confirm exact timings for the placements yet as timetables will not be confirmed until the summer. However, a provisional timetable of dates is shown below and includes:

An Introductory placement which may take place in the TA’s ‘home’ school occurs early on in the course.

A longer Developing placement will usually occur in the Spring/Summer term in a different school.

Another long Extending placement will occur in the Autumn term of the following academic year – this may be able to occur in the student’s ‘home’ school.

These placements have been organised to ensure BGU complies with the current ITT criteria (available here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/initial-teacher-training-criteria/initial-teacher-training-itt-criteria-and-supporting-advice ) and schools/TAs should NOT attempt to source their own placements for the Developing placement in an alternative school, or for Introductory or Extending placements if they can’t happen in the TA/trainee’s home school. All placements will be organised in liaison with the BGU Placement Services Office (PSO) to ensure they are fully compliant.

The PSO will contact your TA a minimum of 2 weeks before the placement is due to commence.

The PSO will do their best to allocate a school as near to the TA’s home address as possible. The placement will be allocated in line with the BGU Transport policy (available https://www.bgu.ac.uk/about-bgu/policies-and-procedures) This policy should be read carefully by students before the course so they are aware of the processes that take place in order to secure placements.

School contractual arrangements should be discussed with the TA’s line manager. However, be aware that TAs will not be able to carry out their roles as a TA during their placement weeks. We understand that schools will need to arrange for cover during your TA’s absences during placement times, and explain to potential applicants that this is something they should discuss with their school preferably before applying for the course.

We encourage schools to support their TA/trainee by allocating a member of staff to informally provide support throughout the year, through encouraging TA/trainees to challenge themselves and engage in as many opportunities to develop their practice as possible, and ensuring the TA/trainee has someone they can go to for advice.

TAs/Trainees will be required to carry out self-directed tasks relating to their academic modules during non-placement times. These will be flexible, and not require significant input from your staff; for example the TA/trainee may be asked to reflect on how your school’s behaviour management policy was used during an incident in school, or look at the maths resources used in EYFS. TAs/Trainees will be expected to anonymise all names when discussing their work-based learning with others, and also avoid making negative judgements.

On assessed placements a more formal school-based mentor (SBM) will be allocated, supported by university based mentors (UBM).

No. Occasionally, we have been able to change placement dates by a few days in exceptional circumstances, but generally, the planned placement times published by BGU must be adhered to so that we can ensure placements are planned carefully, organised in a timely manner, properly moderated and quality assured. This also ensures that trainees do not fall behind with academic modules and assessments.

While we will be as flexible as possible to meet the varying needs of this group of trainees who will be balancing their roles as TAs alongside studying for the final part of their BA (Hons) degree, and taking into account the many pressures facing each school, there are some aspects of the programme we are unable to change due to ITT Criteria Compliance https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/initial-teacher-training-criteria/initial-teacher-training-itt-criteria-and-supporting-advice.

In this document you can see that trainees must teach in at least two different schools (we deem the Developing and Extending placements to fulfil this requirement so the PSO arrange an alternative setting for the Developing placement to facilitate this and provide an earlier contrast in the trainee’s programme. Our trainees will train as either 3-7 or 5-11 trainees.

For this programme we generally do not place students in SEN settings unless their home school is an SEN setting. A placement in an SEN setting will be compliant based on the chronological, rather than the cognitive age of the children.

For the Introductory placement, normally, we would place a PTS trainee in either the same class as they are employed in, or an alternative key stage. Then for Developing, we find out what class they are likely to be in for their Extending then go the opposite for Developing.

So, there are two options for 3-7 trainees, and 6 options for 5-11 trainees for their Developing and Extending placements:

Developing and extending placements

Our Placement Services Office are responsible for organising the placement of all trainees. Our PSO will contact you early in the programme to discuss possible arrangements and see if you are willing to host a student in your school while your TA/Trainee is elsewhere. The PSO cannot guarantee a student can be found to come to your school while your TA/Trainee is elsewhere. If you have links with a school nearby that might be able to offer a placement for your student, please discuss this with the PSO so that they can negotiate the arrangements. Please do not make arrangements for this to happen before discussing it with the PSO. Trainees should not phone schools themselves in an attempt to arrange placements.

Changes often occur for our trainees and their ‘home’ schools during the course. We have often had students fulfil their ‘home’ school requirements (2 days per week) in either more than one school at once, or after changing ‘home’ schools during the course. The TA/Trainee will be responsible for sourcing and alternative ‘home’ school should their role at their original school change for any reason during the course.

Who should I contact for more information?

Please contact the interim programme leader Christopher.ives@bishopg.ac.uk in the first instance for any further queries.

In the summer, our Admissions team will send out a PTS Partnership Agreement form. This will detail the school’s, the TA/trainee’s and BGU’s roles and is a condition of enrolment for the trainee.

Leaders have established a well-constructed core curriculum, designed to give trainees a thorough grounding of what to teach and how to teach it. This is skilfully tailored to trainees’ starting points.

Ofsted report, 2024