This summer Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) sponsored a knight as part of Lincoln’s Knights’ Trail.

The Knights’ Trail was a sculpture trail through Lincoln to mark 800 years since the Battle of Lincoln and the sealing of the Charter of the Forest.

A pair of talented artists from Birmingham designed the BGU’s statue ‘Knight and Day’, which was one of 35 knights on the trail around Lincoln.

The event, organised by Lincoln BIG, ran from 20 May until 3 September and the knight statues and BGU’s knight was stationed near Newport Arch not far from the university’s campus.

Kieron Reilly and Lynsey Brecknell, the designers of BGU’s knight, said, “Our design ‘Knight and Day’ shows off Lincoln’s beautifully unique skyline in silhouette form against a bold sunset, including our sponsor Bishop Grosseteste University,”

Before the trail got underway, sponsors had the opportunity to host their knight. ‘Knight and Day’ embarked upon a tour around campus and we welcomed a number of visitors to see it.

Children attending BGU Sports Centre’s Easter Sports Programme stopped by for a photo with the knight. We were then delighted to welcome pupils from St. Francis Special School to visit campus and see the knight.

Read more about the Knights’ Trail.

21st December 2017

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