A four-week excavation led by Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) begins Monday 20 June.

The site is within the grounds of a former nineteenth-century asylum, which is one of Lincoln’s most iconic buildings., Previous excavations at the site have uncovered evidence of a potential Roman cemetery and a twelfth-century church.

BGU’s Archaeology Field School is delivering training in field archaeology and excavation skills, post-excavation finds processing and recording data. The dig will also contribute to our understanding of historic Lincoln.

All teaching and training throughout the field school will be delivered by expert archaeologists and fully qualified supervisors, overseen by a Director of Training and Welfare, with advisors available to talk to the public if they have any questions about the excavation.

Dr Derwin Gregory, Programme Leader for History and Heritage at BGU and Project Lead for the Archaeology Field School said: “The Lawn is one of Lincoln’s most loved sites, and it is home to so much of the city’s history that’s still waiting to be discovered.

“The last major excavation took place four decades ago, and we hope to expand on those findings to enhance our knowledge of the site and how it’s been used throughout history, which can tell us much more about what life could have looked like in Lincoln throughout the ages”.

The excavation will take place to the rear of the carpark at The Lawn. The area of excavation will be closed to the public until 22nd July but will not restrict use of the buildings, car park or play area.

Follow the progress of the four-week excavation at: twitter.com/bgu_archaeology

17th June 2022

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