Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) is delighted to announce that ‘Helping Children Develop a Positive Relationship with Food’ written by Jo Cormack, one of our PhD students, is a finalist in the Early Years Excellence Awards 2018, in the ‘Happy and Healthy’ Category.
On reaching the finals Jo Cormack was delighted to see her hard work being recognised:
“I’m really thrilled to have my book shortlisted for this national award, it’s a real honour.
"Although there is much talk about health and nutrition in early childhood, I have long felt that early years practitioners need to be better supported when it comes to understanding the psychological aspects of feeding children.
"My book is an attempt to address this gap: I have tried to draw on my academic interest and my clinical experience to share evidence-based best practice with those working with young children every day. Early years practitioners are uniquely placed to make a real difference to how the children in their care relate to food.”
Everyone at BGU would like to congratulate Jo on her success and we will keep you up to date on how ‘Helping Children Develop a Positive Relationship with Food’ does when the winners are announced in September.
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