As part of their studies, our BA Primary Education (BAPE) with QTS students visited St Nicholas’ Primary C of E VA Primary School in Great Yarmouth.
Students in year two of BAPE were joined by Programme Leader Tracey Kilcoyne, Module Leader Katie Furnival, and Ami Montgomery – Deputy Head of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Programmes. In particular, Ami has a special interest in English as an additional language (EAL) learners as a Lead Professional for The Bell Foundation.
The two-day trip formed part of an intensive training and practice week focused on inclusion and was purposed to develop our students understanding of Inclusive Practice, focusing on supporting EAL learners.
The Headteacher, Mrs Maria Grimmer, and Deputy Headteacher Ms Linda Dyble, hosted the day along with their staff who lead seminars and learning walks in classes. Our students were able to meet the children and see how the school adapts their teaching to meet different needs.
Tracey Kilcoyne, Programme Leader for BA Primary Education at BGU, said: “Our students were inspired by the enthusiasm of staff and their energy for inclusion which formed a united effort to support children to achieve their potential.
"As a result, our students returned to BGU and were able to create podcasts on the topic of inclusive practice – discussing responses to the big question: How do teachers adapt their teaching so that all learners are able to make progress?”
St Nicholas’ Primary works with children and families from a range of backgrounds, as well as the wider community. They are recognised by Ofsted for their inclusive practice, with 21 different languages spoken in the school.
They are a partner school of BGU offering primary placements to trainees on ITE programmes and were keen to share their good practice in terms of supporting children with English as a second language.
Tracey continues: “Despite 40 students visiting the school each day, the children managed our visit well and made their teachers very proud. We received some wonderful thank you cards too!
“We hope to continue to work in partnership with St Nicholas’ Primary and have extended an invitation for them to visit our campus in the future.”
To find out more about Routes into Teaching, please click here.

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