Bishop Grosseteste University is supporting the Skills for Youth Employment (SkYE) programme in the Caribbean which aims to improve the occupational skills and employability for disadvantaged young people, including those challenged by disability.
SkYE is a four-year programme funded by UKaid and provides certificated skills training from young people in Dominca, Grenada, St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines to enable them to move into employment or progress to more significant employment and help develop a more productive and inclusive workforce, with at least 10% of training places being offered to young people challenged with disability.
BGU supports SkYE’s work with national training authorities and training providers to make systematic improvements and developments, delivery and quality assurance of technical, vocational education and training (TVET) through target capacity building.
The BGU training programme was specially designed by PGDE Programme Leaders Stefan Fusenich and focuses on inclusive learning for post 16 education to trainers across the four participating countries.
Stefan Fusenich, Programme Leader FE ITE at BGU, said: “We are proud to be part of the SkYE project to develop the skills of teacher and national training agencies.
"It's easy to forget the challenges island and geographically remote residents face -- specifically in education. Having worked for the States of Guernsey -Education Department College of FE I have developed an understanding of this which has supported me in doing this work"
“The inclusive TVET project is aimed at developing “change agents” teachers who will be critical to the future of education in the Eastern Caribbean, and developing into teachers who have the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to work with the diverse nature of students in Post 16 and TVET education and improve outcomes and life chances for the next generation and challenge current methods and be trailblazers of a new ways of teaching and assessment.”
Stefan four-day sessions focus on understanding and creating an inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training, how to deliver and plan teaching and learning and evaluating the delivery using appropriated alternative assessment methods for trainees with learning difficulties or disabilities.
A few students shared their feedback following the course:
Jennesia Albert, TAMCC
“This impact has benefited me in various ways. I am now able to identify the different types of students I have within my class and effectively plan my lessons to accommodate these learners to that no student is left behind. I am grateful to have the opportunity to attend that training.
Dale Mc Intosh, CDACT
“The session was an eye-opener. The teach style of the instructor was very accommodating and was tailored to suit all types of learners, Understanding inclusive teaching and learning opportunities in education and training has assisted me as I am young in the teaching profession. The Micro Teach preparation and session gave me the opportunity to practice and enhance my skills to teach and deliver so that all types of learners are included.”
Kishuba Caine
“This training was an eye opener for me as a young teacher in developing and creating lessons and classroom activities to note only teach but to ensure that the lessons cater to each individual’s learning needs a capabilities.”
Nicola Sparks-Browne, Governmetn of St. Vincent and the Grenadines
“The training has impacted m practice as a trainer of trainers as I will be able to incorporate “inclusiveness” in my future session.
“The training will assist me in coaching teachers to dela with students with learning difficulties in the TVET environment. It was great that in additional to learning, participants were able to demonstrate what they learn in the form of a micro lesson. The sessions were appropriately planned and creatively delivered. It was definitely with my while as an educator.”
Goldeen Kirby, Ministry of Education
“The training made a great impact on my practice. I am now able to plan diverse lessons that would cater to persons with different learning disabilities. I learned how to adapt to individual needs to ensure that no one gets left out in my sessions. I also learned how to motivate my students so that they would be more willing and ready to learn.”
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