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Dr. Robert von Friedeburg, Reader at the School of Humanities at BGU in Lincoln, has been invited to speak to a research network in Denmark.

Robert will lecture to the newly established research network of the LUMEN Centre for the Study of Lutheran Theology at the University of Aarhus, Denmark and give a master class on October 23 and October 24 2017.

The invitation comes in response to Robert's recent research monograph, published last year with Cambridge University Press, 'Luther's Legacy: The Thirty Years War and the Modern Notion of the 'State' in the Empire, 1530s to 1790s'.

There have already been two other invitations to discuss the book, a symposium on the book at the German Historical Institute in London, on March 21, and a symposium at the Department of History, Georgetown University, U.S.A., on April 20.

The book, just as the volume edited with Cambridge and coming out this year, 'Monarchy Transformed', challenges the notion of the bureaucratic power state and emphasises instead the importance of moral values, not least embedded in the Christian faith, for the modern notion of state.'

Robert has also been invited to speak in Budapest at the annual conference of the Academia Europaea on Sunday, September 3, on Europe and the Rule of Law in the context of these two publications.

24th August 2017

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