Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) Archaeology, History, and Military History students recently embarked on a trip to the National Civil War Centre.

Located in the heart of Newark, the centre features interactive exhibits, immersive displays, and a vast collection of historical artefacts. Visitors can learn about the causes of the conflict, the key events and battles, and the impact the war had on society and culture.

During the trip, the ten students had the opportunity to handle various artefacts and objects from the British Civil War, which provided them with a hands-on learning experience outside of the classroom. The fully-funded trip is part of the subject provision that Foundation Year students receive, and it serves as a highlight for them to celebrate completing Semester one.

Dr Erik Grigg led the excursion and - having spent a decade working in heritage - recognises the value of the hands-on learning that museums can provide. He said: "Trips like these are incredibly valuable for students as they provide an opportunity to get out of the classroom and engage with history in a more immersive and tangible way.

"The National Civil War Centre is a fantastic resource, and being able to handle artefacts and learn from knowledgeable guides brings the subject to life in a way that traditional study might not."

23rd March 2023

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