Organised in partnership between BGU, the International Climate Change Information Programme (ICCIP), Hamburg University of Applied Scientists and the Baltic University Programme; the Symposium is setting out to explore how society can adapt the far reaching effects of climate change to overcome the challenges it poses along with the crucial role Education plays in engaging and empowering people to act to alleviate the impacts of the climate change.

The Symposium is aimed at those working in, or concerned with, education and climate change. It will provide an opportunity to showcase projects, approaches and activities that investigate or utilise education as a means to mitigate or adapt to climate change.

The conference also aims to facilitate networking and the development of partnerships and promote collaborative efforts for those using education as a tool to overcome the challenges of climate change.

Dr Sarah Hemstock, Programme Leader for Geography at BGU, highlighted how the current hot weather showcased the importance of the Symposium:

"This summer has given us a taste of 'Hot Earth' - with the prediction that worse is yet to come - but we can be positive, having worked with the Pacific communities that are on the front line of climate change and seen what a positive impact education and training has had on their ability to adapt to the worst impacts of climate change.

"It is work such as this that the symposium will explore and I am thrilled that BGU is hosting it given our expertise on all things education"

The registration fee for the full conference is £200 for professionals. This fee includes lunches and coffee breaks on both days of the Symposium.

A limited number of places at a discounted fee of £40 per day or £60 for both days will be available for students and school teachers on a first-come-first-served basis. The discounted fee will also include lunches and coffee breaks on appropriate days.

Additionally, there will be a conference dinner with guest speakers on the evening of 12th April 2019. Conference dinner tickets are available at £50 per person.

8th August 2018

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