Last month I wrote about the partnership work of BG Futures, the Careers, Employability and Enterprise department at Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) and the Prince’s Trust. Click here to read more.

This month I report on how the Princes Trust webinar has helped one of our 1st year Team Entrepreneurship students, Daniel Spence.

Daniel explains:

“On my course we are coached, not taught, and learn by doing. We are actively encouraged to run our own business so we can see theories play out in real life.

"For as long as I can remember I have wanted to run my own business. I have always felt more motived when I am working for myself and I always push myself a little bit further.

"I am the Director of a 3D printing Company, Nforcd Ltd, mostly manufacturing and selling car parts on eBay. I can also make bespoke products on request.

"I was worried the webinar would be dull and boring but it wasn’t. The whole event was super engaging with tasks to do and regular break. This was followed by a Q & A session which answered everyone’s questions.

"I personally joined the webinar for the follow up support from John and the team at the Princes Trust. The benefit of being a student at BGU means I also have access to the network of businesses that BG Futures engage with will help me learn and find answers.”

Chris Jackson, Head Coach and Programme Lead for the BA Business (Team Entrepreneurship) degree commented:

“It’s encouraging to see our young learners creating and seizing opportunities that could help them with their business projects – which are part of their assessed work. We have a policy of ’not telling’, and encouraging students on this programme to ‘go and find out’.

"A head full of theory that you can’t act upon isn’t of much use in today’s world. It’s great that we can collaborate with other initiatives like the Princes Trust to create the widest learning experience possible for them. The staff at BG Futures are always more than helpful in this respect.”

When asked what the future may hold Dan said:

“I am looking to grow the business and reach new markets.

"With the future support from BG Futures as well as The Princes Trust I hope to double my revenue. I highly recommend working with Princes Trust and BG Futures, they have been brilliant.“

To find out more about Daniels products please contact him on

If you’d like to discover more about the work of the Enterprise Team at BG Futures you can contact me at or on 01522 563817.

For further details of The Prince’s Trust programme contact John Holliday on 07766 778341.

19th June 2020

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