In celebration of Carers Week (6-12 June), BGU is sharing the ways we support our staff and student caring community.

This year’s theme is ‘making visible, valued, and supported’, and to raise awareness of this national campaign we’re sharing a few of the initiatives we that have already been implemented ay BGU to recognise the contributions of our caring community and the challenges they might face.


BGU understands carers have a lot of hidden responsibilities and can make life unpredictable, which makes creating an understanding community even more important.

Our Carers Cafés, picnics and barbecues and social media group bring together staff and students with caring responsibilities a safe space to talk about what life is like being a carer, or a relaxing space to take a break.

BGU has been accredited with the Lincolnshire Carers Quality Award, which ensure the profile of unpaid carers in Lincolnshire is raised and that carers contributions are recognised.


The responsibility of being a carer often results in a myriad of important skills and attributes, so BGU students with caring responsibilities can use up to 25% of their caring hours towards the Graduate Attributes Excellence Award.

Carers are recognised as a Priority Group in the BGU Learning Fund which provides discretionary assistance to students to help them access and remain in Higher Education, and additional bursaries may be available which our Student Advice team will be able to advise on.


Finally, BGU aims to ensure our staff and students with caring responsibilities have support.

Our Carers Passport provides an easy way for students to start the conversation with BGU about their responsibilities and any additional support or flexibility they may need during their studies.

Our teams in the Centre for Enhancement in Learning and Training (CELT), Students’ Union, Student Advice, BG Futures, and the Chaplaincy, plus HR for staff, are on hand to provide support

Carers’ Project

The Carers Project brings together a wide range of groups from across the University to provide support to staff and students.

So far, the project has created a wide range of policies, procedures, events, and resources for carers including fun-flips, carers cafes, picnic, and a newsletter.

Leanne McHugh, Senior Lecturer in Health & Social Care, and project lead for the Carers’ Project at BGU, said: “The Carers’ Project at BGU was launched to start the conversation about the importance and efforts or carers and to ensure they have the support they need to flourish in their studies or careers alongside their caring responsibilities.”

“I’m delighted that so many initiatives, policy changes and resources have been implemented over the last three years. Our efforts for positive and long-term impact on the BGU community will continue to develop.

“Our work is constantly evolving, and we are always looking for new volunteers and contributors to join the Carers’ Project. There is no requirement to be a carer, just an interest in supporting our goal of promoting a carers community where inclusivity of staff and student carers is a priority.”

8th June 2022

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