November is Diabetes Awareness Month with pivotal events being held to raise awareness of the condition and those living with it.

World Diabetes Day was on Thursday 14th November, and acted as an opportunity to focus attention to an urgent global health issue affecting millions.

Health and Social Care staff and students, in collaboration with our Students' Union, hosted an Information Station on campus to raise awareness of the condition, its potential risks and effective management.

Dr Nicki Walsh, Programme Leader of Heath and Social Care at BGU and former Diabetes Nurse Specialist, comments on the success of the Information Station: “Awareness days, such as World Diabetes Day, are a great opportunity to bring attention to important causes that affect individuals in the UK and worldwide.

“The Information Station and signposting across campus that our Health and Social Care staff and students put together, was a brilliant way of increasing awareness of the condition within our community and making valuable resources available to everyone on campus.”

Diabetes UK* estimate that more than 5.6 million people in the UK are living with diabetes, which is an all-time high. Research shows that whilst 4.4 million people in the UK live with diabetes, an additional 1.2 million people could be living with type 2 diabetes and are yet to be diagnosed.

Dr Nicki Walsh continues: “These alarming figures highlight the urgency for preventive measures and early intervention, to improve patient outcomes and quality of care.”


*Diabetes UK

25th November 2024

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