Dr. Theresa Marriott, Digital Learning Technologist in the Centre for Enhancement in Learning and Teaching (CELT) at Bishop Grosseteste University, has been published in the Society for Education and Training's journal (InTuition) for her research into ‘Digital Impostor Syndrome’.
The article explores how, while online learning has become a firm component of learning and teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, a greater reliance on technology has also increased the risk of teachers and students struggling with Digital Impostor Syndrome.
Drawing on her research, Dr. Theresa Marriott discusses digital impostorship and explores strategies for how to support those who may be finding it challenging to use their digital skills so intensely.
Speaking following publication Dr Marriott discussed what drove her research:
“The research was originally my PhD research but from this developed an awareness of Impostor Syndrome specifically related to technology in my roles working in Learning and Teaching Enhancement. Post PhD research it became apparent that in my daily practice I was seeing many staff and students who felt like impostors when using technology and this has greatly amplified during COVID where learning and teaching moved online.
Through this I have a greater awareness of the barriers to using and engaging with technology, and my practice has developed to support students and staff using an enabling approach to ensure that they can feel more digitally confident.”
You can read the full article by clicking here.
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Image credit: Unsplash.
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