Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) recently held a dinner party for its first-year international and Erasmus students at the university's urban diner, The Refectory.

The students in attendance were from all over the world, including some from India, Germany, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, USA, Ghana, and Switzerland. At the event, everyone was able to enjoy a traditional fish and chip supper and spend the evening getting to know each other better.

The university hosts a series of meals throughout the year, with Christmas, March, and summer being the usual times for the events. The dinner was an excellent opportunity for the students to meet with different people from across the university, including representatives from senior leadership, admissions, faculty, marketing, international team, and the Students' Union.

International Manager Wayne Dyble welcomed the students to the dinner, highlighting the importance of the event in helping them integrate and feel at home in the university. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Scott Fleming also joined in, showcasing his linguistic skills by greeting the students in many different languages.

"We are thrilled to host events like this for our international students. It's a great way to help them feel welcome and supported while studying with us" said International Manager Wayne Dyble.

There are currently 80 international students enrolled at BGU. The University is committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for its international students, and this dinner was just one of the initiatives in place to achieve this goal.

Lehr Bhargava from Singapore is studying SENDI and Drama and also acts as the Students' Union's Racial Diversity Officer. She said: "Because of events like these, I've been able to create a community of people who are in the same position as me. The support here has been great."

17th March 2023

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