If you’re considering applying to university for this September, or if you didn’t get the A-level results you expected, it’s not too late to apply through Clearing. That’s the message from Bishop Grosseteste University which has recently been ranked second highest public university in England for student satisfaction in the National Student Survey.

The results published on Wednesday (10th August) show that 92% of BGU students are satisfied with their university experience – that’s 7% higher than last year’s score and 6% higher than the sector average.The admissions team at BGU in Lincoln is on hand to deal with enquiries during Clearing, which begins on Thursday 18th August when students across the country will receive their A-level results.

The call centre will be open from 8am until 6pm on both Thursday 18th August and Friday 19th August and the number to call is

01522 583698.

Prospective students can also visit the university at an open day on Friday 19th August from 10am until 5pm. The day provides an opportunity to see what Bishop Grosseteste University has to offer, take a minibus tour of Lincoln and speak to staff and students about courses and life as a student.

“A-level results week can be a stressful and worrying time for students and their families, but remember that we are here to help and advise whatever your situation,” said Karen Richardson, Head of Student Recruitment and Admissions at BGU.

“It’s always a busy period for us but as always we will do our best to ensure that students are not left worried or uncertain about their place at university.”

Case study: Glen Hughes

An Education Studies and Psychology student who was looking for a new career challenge and applied to Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln through Clearing has graduated with an honours degree.

Now he’s aiming to continue his education by studying for a master's degree in Forensic Psychology at the University of Lincoln.

Glen Hughes (25) was disillusioned with his job as a carer and convinced Olivia Sagan, Academic Co-ordinator for Psychology at BGU, to offer him a place.

He graduated with a BA (Hons) degree in Education Studies and Psychology on Wednesday 20th July.

“I was pretty bored with my job and I rang up not expecting a place,” said Glen. “When I spoke to Olivia she gave me a place and I was like, what is going on here? I don’t think it really dawned on me that I was actually going to university!

“My advice to anyone contemplating going to university through Clearing is: don’t hold back, just do it. When I contacted BGU I was bored out of my mind and they gave me what I needed.”

Glen, from Bracebridge Heath near Lincoln, has been involved in a number of roles at BGU that help promote both the Education Studies and Psychology courses; he worked as a student ambassador and is now interning for Olivia and helping with her research projects.

Before entering Clearing Glen studied for a BTEC in Health and Social Care at Andover College. He then moved to Lincoln and was a carer with Bupa for two years.

Top Tips for Clearing

If you’ve just got your A-level results and you’re not sure what to do next, consult Karen Richardson’s handy set of tips for students who will be entering the Clearing system:

  • Don’t panic! If you stay calm you’re more likely to take in all the information you need to succeed.
  • If your grades fall short, wait for that important acceptance/rejection indication on Track before you put yourself into Clearing. You never know – your first-choice university might still accept you.
  • Don’t give up! You may well get a place on a similar course that’s just as good – but you’ll need to shop around. Don’t rush your decision. The UCAS system doesn’t even let you trigger the formal process of accepting a Clearing place until 5pm on results day, so you have the chance to shop around.
  • Be realistic. If you’ve seriously blown it then think hard about re-sits or another course altogether – you can always re-apply next time around. UCAS is offering a free (for landlines) Exam Results Service on 0808 100 8000 where trained, professional careers advisers will be available to give help and advice.
  • Be prepared to make lots of phone calls and to be persistent!
  • Keep your nerve – you may need all your negotiating skills to persuade an academic that they should take you on.
  • Enlist the support of friends and family – keep them informed, as they’ll be a great help to you when you have to make that difficult final decision.
  • Be prepared to explain to universities why you didn’t do as well as you hoped in your exams – and be honest.
  • If you don’t get the grades you need it’s not the end of the world – there are plenty of other opportunities to consider.

11th August 2016

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