On Monday 5th and Monday 12th November Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) invited 80 children from local schools to take part in educational research with second year students on the BA (Hons) Primary Education with QTS course.

The sessions were designed to provide the students, who are studying to become primary teachers, with an opportunity to experience the skills required to become educational researchers. Working in groups, under the supervision of a tutor, the students designed and conducted research on topics focused on the school pupils including:

  • Reading choices
  • Philosophy for children
  • Using apps to support enquiry
  • Mathematics through story
  • Mapping stories
  • Reading for pleasure and digital reading

Dr Ashley Compton, Senior Lecturer in the School of Teacher Development at BGU, explained the benefits students could expect from gaining skills in educational research:

“In order to understand and evaluate the latest innovations in education it is important that teachers are able to engage with research. In their second year we get the students to work together in groups, under the supervision of a tutor, to design and conduct research with children.

"This experience allows students to develop a better understanding of how research does (and doesn't!) work and prepares them for their individual research projects in their final year.

"The children, covering Year 1 through Year 6, were fantastic, participating fully in each of the research topics and giving our students valuable insights into the research process.”

The Primary Education courses at BGU regularly interacts with schools around the local community to provide our students with a varied and engaging educational experience. If you want to pursue a future in teaching visit our website or contact our Enquiries Team for more information on how to begin your career on our exciting Primary Education with QTS degree course.

20th November 2018

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