Local school gets special award for outstanding partnership work.

An award for an outstanding contribution to school partnerships was made in a short presentation to the headteacher and class teachers at Bishop King CE Primary on Wednesday 22nd May. The reason for the award was to celebrate their outstanding achievement in hosting placements over the past five years. This year alone, the school has facilitated 27 placements for teaching trainees derived mainly from the PGCE Primary, but also the Undergraduate BAPE programme – a massive contribution to the future teacher workforce.

Speaking to the class teachers who have had trainees in their class this year, Mark Larrad (PGCE Placement Lead) told them: "Your contribution has been outstanding. As mentors to your trainees, you show total dedication and commitment, and your support and encouragement over the years has enabled trainees to excel! In every respect you go over and above."

A specially designed certificate acknowledging their commitment (which had been specially approved and by signed by Bishop Grosseteste University's Vice Chancellor Karen Stanton and Chris Davis, who as Head of Partnerships, was also present), was accepted by Jenny Brown (ITE Coordinator) on behalf of all mentors. Bishop King has supported trainees for over 15 years. On a recent visit, an external examiner to the school commented on the high quality of mentoring and the strong nature of the relationship between the teacher mentors and BGU.

The headteacher, Mrs Hazel Wheatley, thanked Mark on behalf of her staff. She acknowledged the many strengths that BGU trainees bring and hoped that the school would continue in its partnership in the future. Mrs Wheatley was also presented with flowers by Placement Services Manager Vicki Walker, in recognition of her generous contribution to ITE at BGU.

23rd May 2024

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