PGCE Secondary Physical Education and Dance trainees at Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) went on a trip to Sherwood Forest GoApe where they spent several hours enjoying a unique learning opportunity in the tree top adventure.

The PGCE GoApe experience is used as a cohesive activity for prospective teachers to experience learning opportunities out of the classroom. Building bonds with one another and understanding how to work independently and together to achieve difficult tasks.

The session consisted of three hours of climbing, swinging and jumping through different layouts and unique crossings. The high ropes course for new and returning adventurers alike continued to challenge all in different ways and to successfully complete it the trainees were required to utilise their strengths and work together as a team supporting one another.

All of this builds back into the skills they will need in their future careers and this year’s group found it worthwhile experience with one saying:

"The trip was extremely useful for team building and communication between participants, and would be a really useful classroom tool. It was really enjoyable."

Whilst another of their teammates discussed how it could be built back into their future work:

"It helped all participants realise and experience the various aspects of the hidden curriculum. This kind of activity would be brilliant to take a small group of A-Level or GCSE pupils."

You can find more information on the wide range of innovative PGCE courses offered by BGU on our website. Or contact our Enquiries Team to find out how to begin your journey into teaching.

4th October 2018