The scheme is in partnership with Ermine Library and St Giles Nursery

Students from Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) recently shared stories at St Giles Nursery as part of a Reading Buddies scheme.

Developed in partnership with the nursery and Ermine Library, the scheme provides an opportunity for university students to witness the importance of sharing stories with young children and help them develop their literacy skills.

Seven Early Childhood Studies students explored a range of books with small groups of early years children. From 'Gorilla Loves Vanilla' to the classic 'Funnybones', the children's imaginations were captivated by the books shared during the thirty-minute sessions.

Under the scheme, students can gain certification for their CVs based on how many sessions they attend. The initiative runs once a month and has been well received by both the students and the children.

BGU Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies Samantha Hoyes said: "The Reading Buddies scheme is a wonderful initiative that not only benefits the children but also provides our students with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience.

"By participating in this programme, our students are able to develop their skills and knowledge while supporting the local community. We are delighted to see the positive impact that this scheme is having and look forward to continuing our partnership with the Ermine Library and St Giles Nursery School."

24th February 2023

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