Helen Swaby, Lecturer on the undergraduate Counselling programme and MSc Mental Health, Wellbeing and Resilience has published her most recent edited book titled “Sexual Crime and Trauma”.

The book is part of a series, with each volume exploring a specific field of research within the area of sexual crime. Thus far, this has included sexual crime and prevention, religion, experience of imprisonment and Circles of Support and Accountability. This book, which was co-edited with colleagues from Nottingham Trent University, explores the growing understanding and evidence base for the role of trauma in sexual offending.

It represents a paradigm shift, in which trauma is becoming an important risk factor to be considered in the treatment of individuals convicted of sexual crime. The authors consider the theoretical and historical explanations and understandings of sexual offending and its relationship with early trauma, paving the way for a volume which considers client’s treatment needs through a new, trauma-informed lens. The experiences and challenges of specific groups are also explored, including young people and women.

Speaking following publication Helen explained what drew her to the subject area:

“The book is part of a series of books which offers original contributions to specific avenues of research within the field of sexual crime. This book draws together literature within the field of trauma and sexual crime, which is of particular interest to me because working in a trauma-informed way very much aligns with my psychotherapy training and practice.

Readable, yet firmly anchored in a sound evidence base, this book is relevant to psychologists, therapists, criminologists, psychiatrists, mental health nurses, social workers, students, and to practitioners and the general public with an interest in learning more about the topic.”

You can get your copy of the book by clicking here or for the full series so far click here.

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