In April 2019 Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) played host to the International Symposium on Climate Change and the Role of Education.

Organised in partnership between BGU, the International Climate Change Information Programme (ICCIP), Hamburg University of Applied Scientists and the Baltic University Programme; the Symposium explored how society can adapt to the far reaching effects of climate change to overcome the challenges it poses using “Education” to engage and empower people to act to alleviate the many and various impacts of climate change.

Following the successful event, research and discussions from the day have now been published in a new book ‘Climate Change and the Role of Education’. Part of the Springer Nature Climate Change Management Series five of the book’s 30 chapters have been authored by BGU staff and students with the University’s Programme Leader for Geography, Dr Sarah Hemstock serving as editor alongside Walter Leal Filho.

Speaking following it’s publication Sarah and Walter explained why the book’s unique viewpoint made it an important tool in the study and combatting of and adaptation to climate change:

"Climate change is without a doubt one of the most pressing challenges of modern times. One which affects both industrialised and developing nations. Education is known to potentially play a key role in catalysing the participation of individuals and communities in climate change mitigation and adaptation processes.

But the role of education it is not only about helping people to understand the impacts of global warming. Rather, education on matters related to climate change is also about catalysing changes in attitudes and behaviour, which may encourage individuals to take a more active role in both, climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.

International experiences show that there is a perceived need to make climate change education a more central and more prominent component of responses to climate change, both at the international, regional and local level. Yet, there is a paucity of truly international publications, which address the many pedagogical, social, and economic variables which characterise climate change education.

This book has been produced to address this need. It is the outcome of the “International Symposium on Climate Change and the Role of Education”, organised by Bishop Grosseteste University (UK), the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany) and the International Climate Change Information and Research Programme (ICCIRP).

Papers here compiled look at matters related to the use of a variety of educational approaches to educate, inform or raise awareness about climate change across a variety of audiences. It contains experiences from empirical research, practical projects and teaching methods being deployed round the world, all with the aim of bringing the message across various audiences.

Moreover the book also entails contributions on how to promote the climate agenda and foster adaptation efforts at the local level. Thanks to its scope, this is a truly interdisciplinary publication. We thank the many authors who contributed to this volume, and for their willingness to share their knowledge and expertise.

We hope it will be useful to scholars, social movements, practitioners and members of governmental agencies, undertaking research and/or executing projects on climate change education across the world."

If you would like to explore the discussions and research on climate change visit our website, contact our Enquiries Team or by come along to one of our Open Days to find more information on our Geography courses.

9th January 2020

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