Emma Rogers, a lecturer on the BA Primary Education with QTS course has hidden a collection of golden tickets in children’s books throughout the BGU Teachers’ resources library. A range of book prizes then await the students who unearth them. The prizes have been sourced by Janice Morris, the Teacher resources librarian.

Four students, Chloe Smith, Holly Spencer, Elle May-Hoad and Sophie-Jayne Guest, have found tickets so far with six still waiting to be discovered.

Broadening their experiences by reading for pleasure could prove to be an immense benefit in their future careers Emma Rogers, Senior Lecturer in Primary Education at BGU, explained:

“Reading for pleasure is an important part of our students’ learning and now forms one of the statutory requirements in the national curriculum.

“Having a wide knowledge of children’s literature will support their teaching in the future and benefit the children in their classrooms. It is linked with better attainment along with social skills and improved emotional wellbeing.”

Chloe Smith, a first year BA Primary Education student and one of the winners, praised the learning opportunities offered by the competition:

“The competition has definitely got me reading more widely, I’d never have tried the book I found my ticket in before, and I can’t wait to share the new books I’ve discovered with my pupils.”

The Golden Ticket competition is just one of an array of innovative learning activities carried out by the School of Teacher Development at BGU. If you’d like more information on how to begin your adventure in the world of Primary Education, visit our website or contact our Enquiries Team today.

22nd February 2019

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