NEA days offer pupils from local secondary schools the opportunity to experience a variety of specialist workshops, led by BGU academics, designed to help them build the skills needed to succeed in their studies.

This latest History focused day included sessions on the nature and purpose of history, critical thinking as a historical tool, performing primary and secondary source analysis (with focus on historiographical debate), independent research skills (finding relevant sources, planning and carrying out research projects), and academic historical writing.

Student ambassadors were also on hand to pass on their experience of BGU and lead students on a campus tour.

Dr W. Jack Rhoden, Programme Leader for History at BGU, who oversaw the academic activities on the day, shared his thoughts on what made the NEA days an important opportunity for learners:

“NEA days are a great way for us to have a positive impact on future historians, particularly those who might not previously have seen themselves taking the subject to degree level. Through the workshops we’re able to let them test practices and skills that are key to exploring the subject at university but that they might not have previously experienced.

And it wasn’t just academic practices that students were fascinated by. Dr Robert von Friedeburg's ancient overhead projector, that he used for his session on the English Civil War, also proved a head turner!

Hopefully all the students involved will have enjoyed a positive experience in their first visit to BGU and will now feel inspired to continue their study of History into Higher Education”

NEA days are available to secondary schools in Lincolnshire for History, and a variety of other subjects, the next planned day is on the 30th of June but bespoke booking can be organised throughout the academic year.

To begin arranging your own NEA day speak to a member of our Outreach Team.

24th February 2020

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