Bishop Grosseteste University (BGU) and Neighbourhood Working in Lincoln are working together to join up health, care and our community to help ensure we are all “fit for the future”.
This collaboration is aimed at shaping the vision for working across Lincoln involving organisations and communities drawn from across the city and neighbouring villages.
Clare Hemming, Lecturer and Placement Officer at BGU, has worked with the Neighbourhood Leads Victoria Sleight and Beckie McConville to organise this event to create opportunities for groups and individuals to connect and discover how we can promote care in our community. This aims to support people to remain in their own home and out of hospital by providing joined up care as early as possible.
In addition the event is designed to get students involved in community volunteering by providing opportunities for unique placements allowing them to experience a variety of different career elements from research and administrative responsibilities to hands on roles.
It is a fantastic chance for potential volunteers to find unique, placement opportunities to help them shape their future career choices.
The event takes place on Thursday 29 November at BGU TR1 Hardy Building, from 10:00am until 2:00pm.
Everyone will be provided with an opportunity to network with like-minded people and organisations and develop relationships within our communities, to create a shared vision for the future.
Clare Hemming discussed her excitement at being part of an event capable of creating such a widespread positive impact:
“It is fantastic to be able to support and work with so many vital community services for such an important event. Our work building relationships has opened new doors within professional organisations and is now allowing us to create unique career opportunities for our students”
The networking event is open to all stakeholders. To secure your space please book here.
Most of the degree courses at BGU offer unique career focused work placements while you study; to find out how you can begin your dream career, visit our website or contact our Enquiries Team.
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