Two graduating students received a surprise visit at their graduation ceremonies in July from two former Erasmus+ students who flew in from Germany especially to watch their friends graduate. Tyler Lockwood, who graduated with an MA in English Literature, and Morgan Hill, who graduates with a BA in TESOL and Linguistics, were both shocked and delighted to see their friends cheering them on outside Lincoln Cathedral.

Carolin Bach and India Wingender, students at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) in Landau in der Pfalz, Germany, had flown over 300 miles to mark the special occasion.

Carolin and India first met Tyler and Morgan while studying at BGU in September 2022 during their Erasmus+ study abroad placement. Tyler, from Tennessee, USA, started his studies at BGU in September 2022, while Morgan was already partway through her studies.

Carolin reflected “We met rather randomly but it just made sense right from the start that we found each other. Even though we all live in different places, the bond we have remains unaffected. With the right people, who share this profound love and deep care for each other, friendship is easy. The goodbyes are bittersweet, but we just know that we will meet again. Where and when? No clue, but it’s always a ‘see you soon.’ I’m incredibly grateful to have such amazing friends to do life with!”

Carolin and India were part of the Erasmus+ scheme where BGU welcomes students from partner European universities to study for a semester, offering opportunities to improve their English language skills, gain experience of different cultures, and expand their soft skills.

When reflecting upon their reasons for attending Tyler and Morgan’s graduation ceremonies, Carolin adds: “BGU gave us all a home away from home; it’s where everything began and the one place we all share. We wanted to be there for Tyler and Morgan’s graduation to celebrate with them rather than watching on a screen and cheering them on from afar on such an important day. The element of surprise just made it all the better to be back together in Lincoln!”

In reaction to her friends surprise Morgan said: “I'm still blown away at how my lovely friends were able to pull this off. We shared four months together over my four years studying at BGU and I look forward to a lifetime of friendship with them. Love you, Indi & Caro!”

India added: “It’s amazing to have gained such close friends that give me a reason to come back to the UK, making it feel like coming home.”

Tyler, Morgan, Carolin, and India are a testament to the firm friendships that can form at BGU and how good friends can support, inspire, and celebrate each other.

7th August 2024

BGU Graduation 2024 Wednesday Erasmus 6
BGU Graduation Thursday 9
BGU Graduation 2024 Wednesday Erasmus 1
BGU Graduation 2024 Wednesday Erasmus 6 BGU Graduation Thursday 9 BGU Graduation 2024 Wednesday Erasmus 1

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