Dr Helen Bushell-Thornalley
- Helen is also currently involved in several other research activities in Physical Education and Sport:
- A longitudinal Ethnographic study with a Paralympic Olympic Gold medalist,
- Dance Fitness created by Darcey Bussell’s DDMIX schools programme for Primary and Secondary. Working with Dance specialists and PGCE students.
- Physical Activity with an Early Years pupils programme for the All England Lawn Tennis Association in Wimbledon, Merton Schools Sports Partnership and Merton Health, London.
2005: British Council as a Leader of Learning in Teacher Education in Kenya.
2005 – 2009: Regionally as a Technical and Fitness Hockey Coach for Colts and Seniors.
2006: A pre-Ofsted assessor into Physical Education practices and procedures. West London Sports Colleges and Schools.
2007 – 2009: An associate lead for Sir John Rowling’s PiXL Education group in London and the home counties. Working with GCSE pupils and staff in the development and extension of ‘marginal learning gains’ in Physical Education. Designing and running thematic revision programmes for schools across London.
2008 – 2012: HEI International work with visiting institutions from Japan, Iran and Trinidad and Tobago on UK Physical Education curriculum provision.
2015 – 2016 HEI International work in China and Rio de Janeiro developing Post Graduate courses and curriculum design ideas in Physical Education, Teacher Education and Teacher Exchange.
2016: British Council projects developing programmes in Foundation Football degrees and Educational Master's degrees for trainee teachers in Chungking, China.
2006 C change practice for Physical Education future and ITE provision in the UK. Curriculum Re-form 2008. EUPEA International Conference. Coimbra University Portugal. October.
2009 Academic Tutoring System (ATS). Profiling and Tracking students progress. St Mary’s University, Twickenham, Autumn conference. September.
2010 Investigating Handball as a meta-cognitive catalyst for creativity in Physical Education. AfPE National Conference. July.
2012 Cognitive Dissonance: The dichotomy between conservationism of traditional practice and TGfU facilitation. The experiences of Physical Education Undergraduate Trainee Teachers on teaching placements. The International Teaching Games for Understanding Conference, Lough-borough University. May.
2012 Qualifications in Sport (14 – 16, 16+). 1st4sport Qualifications. Co-author. July.
2013 Who and What is Wenlock? Dr William Penny Brookes. Physical and Sports Education, Annual Conference. St Mary’s University, Twickenham. June.
2014 Origins of Physical Education within Victoria Britain. Documentary analysis techniques, Leicester University. September.
2014 – RefEd. Educational Matters from Primary and Secondary disciplines. St Mary’s University Education Journal. Reviewer.
Helen Thornalley International Hockey Player: VIP delegate at the Hockey International Pride of England Event. Women’s World Cup Queen Elizabeth Park, London 28thJuly 2018.
Howe, S. & Thornalley, H. (2019). The Pedagogic Voice of the Post Graduate Trainee: How ‘confident’, ‘competent’ and ‘creative’ are trainees, upon entering the school workplace? Are they ready? In P. Beckley, (Ed) (2019) Supporting Vulnerable Children in Early Years: Practical Guidance and Strategies for Working with Children at Risk. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/bishopg/reader.action?docID=5719422
Thornalley, H. (2019). The dreaded PE lessons: In C. Lawrence Teacher Training in Autism - A Research Based Handbook. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/bishopg/reader.action?docID=5748456
Bushell-Thornalley, Helen (2021): Old Wine New Bottle: The political narratives of governments between 2005- 2015 on what the soft legacy of the London 2012 Olympic Games afforded the subject of Physical Education School Sport. University of Leicester. Thesis. https://doi.org/10.25392/leicester.data.16602149.v1
Bushell-Thornalley, Helen & Lawrence, Clare (2022): ‘We watch together’: Can consideration of sports’ histories support wider education? Blog published on BERA https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/we...
Association for Physical Education (AfPE)
British Education Research Association (BERA)
European Physical Education Association (EUPEA)
Helen has been a supervisor of Physical Education, Educational Leadership and Pedagogy students researching at undergraduate to Master's degree levels, covering areas of curriculum design, health education, mentoring and institutional change management structures. Several of her students have gone on to present their research at International Conferences and taken up Doctoral research awards through PhD and EdD routes in Mentoring and Special Educational Needs.
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