Lucy Hughes

Lucy is a Senior Lecturer on the MA in Education and iPGCE programmes at Bishop Grosseteste University. With over a decade of experience in education, she brings a wealth of practical knowledge and academic expertise to her role.

Background and Experience

Lucy's career in education began in the secondary school setting, where she spent 9 years as a dedicated MFL teacher and Head of Department. She progressed quickly to leadership roles in curriculum, whole school improvement and teacher development. This hands-on experience has provided her with invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities facing educators in today's diverse classrooms.

Transition to Higher Education

Later in her career, she transitioned to Initial Teacher Education (ITE), where she continued to develop her passion for preparing the next generation of educators. This move allowed her to combine her practical experience with cutting-edge educational research, enriching both her teaching and research interests.

Lucy's research interests include:

  • Flipped Learning and its application in the secondary school environment
  • Uncovering the hidden curriculum in ITE and understanding the international student experience of higher education
  • Exploring the theory-practice debate within ITE and beyond

She currently supports teaching on the MA in Education, iPGCE, and related programmes, where she encourages students to critically engage with educational theory and apply it to their professional practice.

She has worked with both NASBTT and UCET, including leading a workshop to support practitioners on developing provision and recruitment of international students. Lucy has presented her master’s research at a number of forums, including guest lecturing at other institutions. She also works with Research with International Students (RIS).

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