Revd Canon Professor Leslie J Francis
Leslie Francis holds the part-time post of Professor of Religions, Psychology and Education. He works with doctoral students in fields that connect religious studies, theology, psychology, and education. Before joining Bishop Grosseteste University he held chairs in Pastoral Theology at Lampeter, Practical Theology at Bangor, Religions and Education at Warwick, and Religions and Psychology at Warwick. Currently he holds visiting positions in universities in Pretoria and Newfoundland and serves as Canon Theologian at Liverpool Cathedral.
Areas of doctoral supervision:
Leslie Francis has supervised to completion 43 MPhil dissertations and 75 doctoral dissertations (PhD, DMin, EdD) in areas connecting theology, religious studies, education, and psychology. He holds higher doctorates from Oxford University in theology (DD), Cambridge University in educational psychology (ScD), and University of Wales in religious studies (DLitt). He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society (FBPsS), a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS), and an Anglican priest. He welcomes informal enquiries from suitably qualified candidates who may wish to undertake doctoral research alongside his research group.
Chapters in books 2024:
Francis, L. J. (2024). Empirical research. In L. P. Barnes (Ed.), Debates in religious education: Second edition (pp. 137-144). Abingdon: Routledge. ISBN 978 032 52362 0.
Journal articles 2024:
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Stewart, F. (2024). Implicit religion, Anglican cathedrals, and spiritual wellbeing: The impact of carol services. HTS Theological Studies, 80(1), article 9049, 1-9. ISSN 0259 9422. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., & Stevenson, A. (2024). Reading the resurrection appearance at the lakeside through lenses of sensing and intuition. HTS Theological Studies, 80(1), article 9048, 1-8. ISSN 0259 9422. (Open access)
Trowsdale, J., McKenna, U., & Francis, L. J. (2024). The Trowsdale Index of Confidence in Experiential Learning (TICEL): Evaluating The Imagerineerium. Research in Education, 118(1), 108-118. ISSN 0034 5237. (Open access)
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2024). Giving up on the Church of England in the time of pandemic: Individual differences in responses of non-ministering members to online worship and off-line services. Journal of Anglican Studies, 22(1), 19-38. ISSN 1740 1553. (Open access)
McKenna, U., & Francis, L. J. (2023). Testing the contact hypothesis in interfaith encounters: Personal friendships with Sikhs countering anti-Sikh attitudes? In Z. Gross (Ed.), Reimagining the landscape of religious education (pp. 161-180). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 978 3 031 20132 5.
Journal articles 2023:
Akhtar, N., Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Hasan, S. S. (2023). Introducing the Shorter Dark Tetrad for Muslim Societies (SD4-MS): A study among young adults in Pakistan. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 26(6), 539-549. ISSN 1367 4676. (Open access)
Akhtar, N., Francis, L. J., Village, A., Sailer, A. B., Hasan, S. S., & McKenna, U. (2023). Testing the Moral Foundations Questionnaire within a Muslim society: A study among young adults in Pakistan. Journal of Religious Education, 71(1), 1-18. (Open access)
Erken, H. G., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2023). Love of Allah and love for self: Exploring the connection between religious affect and self-esteem among Muslim adolescents in England. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 44(1), 99-109. (Open access)
Francis, L. J. (2023). Are Anglican cathedrals more inclusive than parish churches? Theology, 126(3), 183-191. (Open access)
Francis, L. J. (2023). Psychological type and biblical hermeneutics: Reading Luke’s account of the call of the first disciples. TypeFace, 34(2), 26-28.
Francis, L. J. (2023). Anglican cathedrals as episcopal theological resource churches for nurturing growth and sustainability. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 44(4), 464-474. ISSN 1361 7672. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., Fawcett, B., & McKenna, U. (2023). Psychological type and religious affect: A study among adolescent Baptists in Canada. Journal of Youth and Theology, 22, 173-189. ISSN 1741 0819.
Francis, L. J., Haley, J. M., & McKenna, U. (2023). Work-related psychological wellbeing and conservative Christian belief among Methodist circuit ministers in Britain: Distinguishing between emotional exhaustion and satisfaction in ministry. Journal of Religion and Health, 62, 1636-1657. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., Haley, J. M., & McKenna, U. (2023). Psychological type profile of Methodist ministers in Britain: Contributing to the Atlas of Clergy Type Tables. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion., 33, 102-125. ISSN 1046 8064.
Francis, L. J., Lankshear, D. W., & McKenna, U. (2023). Building a relational culture and empirical theology: Exploring the impact of congregational bonding social capital on perceived faith development and perceived church growth. Rural Theology, 21(2), 84-94. ISSN 1470 4994. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., & Mansfield, S., McKenna, U., & Jones, S. H. (2023). Enhancing inclusivity and diversity among cathedral visitors: The Brecon Jazz Festival and psychographic segmentation. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 44(4), 563-578. ISSN 1361 7672. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., Hall, G. L., & Hall, D. (2023). Psychological type and images of God. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 33, 126-136. ISSN 1046 8064.
Francis, L. J., & Parker, S. G. (2023). Introduction to the special issue on cathedral studies (part 1). Journal of Beliefs and Values, 44(4), 457-463. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., Smith, G., Stevenson, A. J., & Village, A. (2023). Engaging the Jungian function-orientations in a hermeneutical community: Exploring John 11: 1-17. HTS Theological Studies, 79(1), article 8632, 1-11. ISSN 0259 9422. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Haley, J. J. (2023). The Francis Burnout Inventory: Testing the balanced affect model among Methodist circuit ministers in Great Britain. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 33, 90-101. ISSN 1046 8064.
Francis, L. J., Walker, D. S., & Village, A. (2023). Christianity, personality and environmental concern among 13- to 15-year-old students in England and Wales. Journal of Empirical Theology, 36, 45-68. ISSN 0922 2936.
Kirby, M., Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2023). Space, the Universe and Everything: Listening to visitors to the Luxmuralis son et lumiere installation at Liverpool Cathedral in 2022. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 44(4), 579-596. ISSN 1361 7672. (Open access)
McKenna, U., Francis, L. J., & Stewart, F. (2023). The inclusivity of Anglican cathedrals and the coronation of King Charles III: Embracing explicit religion, civic religion, and implicit religion. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 44(4), 475-489. ISSN 1361 7672. (Open access)
McKenna, U., Neal, T., & Francis, L. J. (2023). Through the eyes of retired clergy: The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the future for the Church of England. Rural Theology, 21(1), 28-39. ISSN 1470 4994. (Open access)
Smith, G., & Francis, L. J. (2023). My training incumbent did a good job: An empirical investigation of personal, religious, and psychological factors shaping curates’ evaluation of their training incumbent within the Anglican Church in England and Wales. Journal of Anglican Studies, 21(1), 128-145. (Open access)
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2023). Lockdown worship in the Church of England: Predicting affect responses to leading or accessing online and in-church services. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 44(2), 280-296. (Open access)
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2023). God is in his heaven, all’s right with the world: Psychological wellbeing and belief in divine control during the third Covid-19 lockdown in England. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 51(2), 263-277. (Open access)
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2023). The effects of spiritual wellbeing on self-perceived health changes among members of the Church of England during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Religion and Health, 62, 2899-2915. ISSN 0022 4197. (Open access)
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2023). Introducing the Scale of Perceived Affect Response to Online Worship (SPAROW): A psychometric assessment of ritual innovation during the pandemic. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 26(6), 581-590. ISSN 1367 4676. (Open access)
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2023). Introducing the Francis Psychological Type and Emotional Temperament Scales (FPTETS): A study among church leaders and church members. Religion, Brain and Behaviour, 13(4), 399-419. ISSN 2153 599X. (Open access)
Vroom, R., & Francis, L. J. (2023). Exploring the psychological type profile of rural Anglican congregations nurtured in the Catholic tradition: A pilot study in Wales. Rural Theology, 21(2), 122-130. ISSN 1470 4994. (Open access)
Chapters in books:
Francis, L. J. (2022). To what we are called, and how shall we respond? Building a relational culture through Jesus’ School of Discipleship Learning. In Relational Church UK (Ed.), Building a relational culture in the Church of England (pp. 61-73). Relational Church UK. ISBN 979 8 364 51636 7. (Open access).
Journal articles:
ap Siôn, T. G., & Francis, L. J. (2022). The psychological type profile of Salvation Army officers working within the United Kingdom: Diversity, strengths, and weaknesses in ministry. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25(9), 842-859. (Open access).
Crea, G., & Francis, L. J. (2022). Purpose in life as protection against professional burnout among Catholic priests and religious in Italy: Testing the insights of logotherapy. Pastoral Psychology, 71, 471-483. (Open access).
Francis, L. J. (2022). Psychological type theory, psychographic segmentation, and the science of congregation studies. TypeFace, 33(4), 16-18.
Francis, L. J. (2022). Research note: Psychological type and the interpretation of sacred text: Introducing the SIFT approach to hermeneutical theory. Dini Araşturmalar (Journal of Religious Studies), 25(63), 671-686. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Erken, H. G., & Village, A. (2022). Assessing the affective dimension of religion within Muslim societies: The Sahin-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Islam, Short Form. Journal of Religious Education, 70, 135-146. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Jones, S. H. (2022). The mysterious case of the Ethiopian eunuch: An empirical and psychological examination in biblical hermeneutics. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25(9), 829-841.
Francis, L. J., Lankshear, D. W., & Eccles, E. L. (2022). Assessing the ethos of Anglican primary schools in Wales: The Student Voice Project. Journal of Anglican Studies, 20, 80-97. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Lankshear, D. W., & McKenna, U. (2022). Comparing the attitudes of Muslim and Christian year 5 and 6 students within four Anglican primary schools in Wales. British Journal of Religious Education, 44, 80-86. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Mansfield, S. (2022). Who visits cathedrals? The science of cathedral studies and psychographic segmentation. HTS Theological Studies, 78(4), article 7571, 1-11. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2022). Self-identifying as Anglican within the two political jurisdictions on the island of Ireland: A study among sixth-form students in the Greer tradition. Greek Journal of Religious Education, 5(2), 15-30. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Ross, C. F. J. (2022). Reading the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37) through the lenses of introverted intuition and extraverted intuition: Perceiving text differently. HTS Theological Studies, 78(4), article 7443, 1-10. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Smith, G., & Astley, J. (2022). Hiring labourers for the vineyard and making sense of God’s grace at work: An empirical investigation in hermeneutical theory and ordinary theology. HTS Theological Studies, 78(4), article 7444, 1-10. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Smith, G., & Astley, J. (2022). Looking at the birds, considering the lilies, and perceiving God’s grace in the countryside: An empirical investigation in hermeneutical theory. Rural Theology, 20, 38-51. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2022). The pandemic and the feminisation of the Church? How male and female churchgoers experienced the Church of England’s response to Covid-19. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 43, 207-216. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2022). Reading the Church of England’s response to the Covid-19 crisis: The diverging views of Anglo-Catholic and Evangelical clergy. Journal of Anglican Studies, 20(2), 185-197. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2022). The Francis Psychological Type Scales (FPTS): Factor structure, internal consistency reliability, and concurrent validity with the MBTI. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25(9), 931-951. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2022). Psychological type profile and temperament of Catholic priests serving in England, Wales, and Ireland. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25(9), 884-896. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A., & Lewis, C. A. (2022). Spiritual awakening among church members during the pandemic: An empirical study in England and Wales. Journal of Empirical Theology, 35, 47-75.
Lewis, C. A., Burgess, J. H., & Francis, L. J. (2022). Psychological profile of Ministers of Word and Sacrament within the United Reformed Church (URC). Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25(9), 921-930. (Open access).
McKenna, U., Francis, L. J., & Stewart, F. (2022). Anglican cathedrals and implicit religion: Softening the boundaries of sacred space through innovative events and installations. HTS Theological Studies, 78(4), article 7827, 1-11. (Open access).
McKenna, U., Neal, T., & Francis, L. J. (2022). Assessing the personal impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on retired clergy: Listening to their experiences. Rural Theology, 20(2), 91-104. (Open access).
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2022). How did the psychological wellbeing of Church of England clergy and laity change from the first to the third national Covid-19 lockdowns. Pastoral Psychology, 71, 653-666. (Open access).
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2022). Psychological wellbeing and sources of support for Church of England clergy and laity during the third national Covid-19 lockdown. Rural Theology, 20(2), 72-90. (Open access).
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2022). Factorial structure and validity of the Francis Psychological Type and Emotional Temperament Scales (FPTETS). Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25(9), 897-909.
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2022). Psychological type and the three major dimensions of personality: Mapping the relationship between the FPTS and the EPQR-A among clergy and churchgoers. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25(9), 875-883. (Open access).
Books edited:
Francis, L. J., Lankshear, D. W., & Parker, S. G. (Eds.) (2021). New directions in religious and values education: International perspectives. Oxford: Peter Lang. ISBN 978 1 78997 876 6.
Francis, L. J., & Lankshear, D. W. (Eds.) (2021). The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Chapters in books:
Francis, L. J., & Lankshear, D. W. (2021). Shaping congregation studies: A scientific approach. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 1-7). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Francis, L. J., & Lankshear, D. W. (2021). Profiling adult churchgoers within the Diocese of Southwark: An overview. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 19-41). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Francis, L. J., & Lankshear, D. W. (2021). Personal predictors of congregational bonding social capital: A study among churchgoers in multi-cultural society. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 205-225). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Francis, L. J., & Lankshear, D. W. (2021). Impact of church schools on the attitudes of young churchgoers toward their church and Christian living. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 269-287). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Francis, L. J., & Lankshear, D. W. (2021). Psychological type, temperament theory, and religious motivation: Exploring the distinctive congregational profile of Southwark Cathedral. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 329-348). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Francis, L. J., Littler, K., & Robbins, M. (2021). Personality and charismatic orientation: An empirical study in psychological type theory. In A. Davies & A. E. Dyer (Eds.), The spirit in society: Essays in honour of William K. Kay (pp. 159-177). Cleveland, TN: CPT Press. ISBN 978 1 953 35812 7.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Sahin, A. (2021). Religion and the rights of refugees: An empirical enquiry among adolescents in England and Wales. In H.-G. Ziebertz & F. Zaccaria (Eds.), The ambivalent impact of religion on human rights: Empirical studies in Europe, Africa, and Asia (pp. 55-80). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 978 3 030 70403 2.
Francis, L. J., Rolph, J., & Rolph, P. W. (2021). The human face of the cathedral: A qualitative enquiry into what draws people to Southwark Cathedral. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 309-327). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Voas, D. (2021). Psychological temperament, psychological type and attraction to the Charismatic Movement: An empirical study among Anglican clergy in England. In A. Davies & A. E. Dyer (Eds.), The spirit in society: Essays in honour of William K. Kay (pp. 179-198). Cleveland, TN: CPT Press. ISBN 978 1 953 35812 7.
Jewell, A. Francis, L. J., & Lankshear, D. W. (2021). The greying generation: Profiling churchgoers aged seventy and over. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 97-122). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Lankshear, D. W., & Francis, L. J. (2021). The missing generation: Profiling churchgoers in their twenties. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 43-64). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Lankshear, D. W., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Understanding the cathedral congregation: Inside Southwark Cathedral. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 289-307). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Lankshear, D. W., Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Church attendance and cohabitation: A study exploring marital status among churchgoers. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 191-203). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
McKenna, U., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Testing the contact hypothesis: The association between personal friendships and anti-Jewish attitudes among 13- to 15-year-old students in England and Wales. In A. Unser (Ed.), Religion, citizenship and democracy (pp. 119-220). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 978 3 030 83276 6.
Rolph, J., Francis, L. J., & Rolph, P. W. (2021). ‘The people are friendly’: Listening to 20- to 29-year-old churchgoers. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 65-96). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Rolph, P. W., Rolph, J., & Francis, L. J. (2021). ‘I don’t need encouraging, it’s part of my life’: Listening to churchgoers aged eighty and over. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 123-142). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Rolph, P. W., Rolph, J., & Francis, L. J. (2021). ‘The church is very welcoming even though I don’t attend often’: Listening to occasional churchgoers. In L. J. Francis & D. W. Lankshear (Eds.), The science of congregation studies: Searching for signs of growth (pp. 167-189). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978 3 030 76106 6.
Journal articles:
Crea, G., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Psychological type and personal wellbeing among Catholic priests in Italy: A study in positive psychology. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24, 404-411.
Deschner, A., Francis, L. J., & ap Siôn, T. (2021). Exploring religions today: A quest for international knowledge transfer within the field of education for religious diversity. Zeitschrift fur Pädagogik und Theologie, 73(1), 51-60.
Erken, H. G., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the Astley-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Theistic Faith Revised among Muslim secondary school students in England, alongside Christian and religiously unaffiliated students. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24, 261-270.
Erken, H. G., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2021). Love for Allah and love for others: Exploring the connection between religious affect and empathy among Muslim adolescents in England. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42, 223-234.
Fawcett, B., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2021). Sustaining young Canadian Baptists in the faith: Exploring the connection between religious affect and parental religious attendance. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 30(3), 317-336. (Open access).
Francis, L. J. (2021). Exploring the consequences of religious experience within the Greer tradition: Effects on personal affect and on religious affect. Journal for the Study of Religious Experience, 7(1), 69-92. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Crea, G. (2021). Psychological predictors of professional burnout among priests and religious sisters in Italy: The dark triad versus the bright trinity? Pastoral Psychology, 70, 399-418. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Crea, G., & Laycock, P. (2021). Factor structure, reliability and validity of the Francis Burnout Inventory Revised among Catholic priests and religious sisters in Italy. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24, 271-282.
Francis, L. J., Edwards, O. D., & ap Siôn, T. (2021). Applying psychological type and psychological temperament theory to the congregations at cathedral carol services. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24(4), 412-424.
Francis, L. J., Fawcett, B. G., Freeze, T., Embrée, R., & Lankshear, D. W. (2021). What helps young Christians grow in discipleship? Exploring connections between discipleship pathways and psychological type. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24, 563-580.
Francis, L. J., & Giordan, G. (2021). Identifying learning preferences among Italian undergraduate students studying the sociology of religion: Drawing on psychological type preferences. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24, 581-593.
Francis, L. J., Jones, S. H., & McKenna, U. (2021). The science of congregation studies and psychometric segmentation: O come all ye thinking types? HTS Theological Studies, 77(4), article 6747, 1-10. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Jones, S. H., & McKenna, U. (2021). The contribution of cathedrals to psychological health and wellbeing: Assessing the impact of Cathedral carol services. HTS Theological Studies, 77(4), article 6820, 1-8. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Jones, S. H., McKenna, U., Pike, N., & Williams, E. (2021). Belonging through events? Exploring the demographic profile, motivations, and experiences of those attending the afternoon Carol Services on Christmas Eve at Liverpool Cathedral. Religions, 12(90), 1-16. (open access).
Francis, L. J., Jones, S. H., & Village, A. (2021). Psychological type and psychological temperament among Readers within the Church of England: A complementary ministry? Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24, 389-403.
Francis, L. J., Lankshear, D. W., & Eccles, E. L. (2021). Introducing the Junior Spiritual Health Scales (JSHS): Assessing the impact of religious affect on spiritual health among 8- to 11-year-old students. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 26(4), 199-213. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Lankshear, D. W., Eccles, E. L., & McKenna, U. (2021). Assessing the impact of the Student Voice Project on shaping the ethos of Anglican primary schools: A study focusing on the Diocese of Llandaff. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42, 300-314.
Francis, L. J., Mansfield, S., & McKenna, U. (2021). Psychographic segmentation of cathedral visitors in England and Wales: Introducing the Visitor Expectations Type Scales 2.0 (VETS2.0). Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24, 535-553.
Francis, L. J., Smith, G., & Evans, J. (2021). Preaching on the Revised Common Lectionary for the Feast of Christ the King: Joy for intuitive thinking types, nightmare for sensing feeling types? HTS Theological Studies, 77(4) article 6746, 1-11. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Stevenson, A. J., & Ross, C. F. J. (2021). Reading the Wedding at Cana in Galilee (John 2: 1-11) through the lenses of introverted sensing and introverted intuition: Perceiving text differently. HTS Theological Studies, 77(4) article 6858. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2021). Viewing the impact of Covid-19 through the eyes of retired clergy. Theology, 124(1), 24-31. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2021). Psychological type and responding to Covid-19: An enquiry among lay Anglicans. Type Face, 32(1), 29-31.
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2021). Shielding, but not shielded: Comparing the experience of the Covid-19 lockdown for Anglican churchgoers aged seventy and over with those under the age of sixty. Rural Theology, 19, 31-40. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2021). Introducing The Index of Balanced Affect Change (TIBACh): A study among Church of England clergy and laity. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24(8), 770-779. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2021). This blessed sacrament of unity? Holy Communion, the pandemic, and the Church of England. Journal of Empirical Theology, 34(1), 87-101. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Lawson, S. A. (2021). Impact of Covid-19 on fragile churches: Listening to the voices of lay people. Rural Theology, 19, 41-47. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Lawson, S. A. (2021). Increasingly fragile? Assessing the cumulative impact of the pandemic on rural Anglican churches. Rural Theology, 19(2), 72-78. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Village, A., & Lewis, C. A. (2021). Spiritual awakening among Anglican clergy during the pandemic: Exploring the effects of personal factors, personality, church orientation, and religious practice. Spirituality of a Personality, 101(2), 234-257. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Payne, V. J. (2021). Introducing the Francis Owl-Lark Indices (FOLI): Assessing the implications of diurnal activity patterns for clergy work-related psychological health. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24(8), 780-795.
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Voas, D. (2021). Psychological type theory, femininity and the appeal of Anglo-Catholicism: A study among Anglican clergymen in England. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24, 352-365.
Haley, J. M., & Francis, L. J. (2021). The changing face of British Methodism between 1997 and 2008: A study in empirical theology. Holiness: an international journal of Wesleyan theology, 7(2), 91-99. (Open access).
Lankshear, D. W., Francis, L. J., & Eccles, E. L. (2021). Engaging the student voice within Anglican school self-evaluation and statutory inspection within Wales: The Lankshear Student Voice Scales Revised. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 30(2), 209-220. (Open access).
Lewis, C. A., Francis, L. J., & Geary, A. (2021). Psychological type profile of Methodist churchgoers in England. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24 638-646.
McKinney, S., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2021). Assessing sectarian attitudes among Catholic adolescents in Scotland: How responsible are Catholic schools? Journal of Beliefs and Values, 42, 1-18.
Payne, V. J., Lewis, C. A., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Confirming the factor structure of the Francis Psychological Type Scales (FPTS) among a sample of Anglican clergy in Wales. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24, 628-637.
Rogobete, S. E., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2021). Examining the connection between religion and attitude toward socio-economic human rights and attitude toward euthanasia and abortion among Romanian Orthodox adolescents: Contrasting the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, article 10837, 1-16. (Open access).
Smith, G., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Training incumbents and The Book of Common Prayer. Faith and Worship, 89, 6-13.
Trowsdale, J., McKenna, U., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Teacher evaluation of the impact of the Imagineerium learning experience on the creativity of individual students: The Trowsdale Index of Teacher Observation of Student Creativity. Research in Education. 111(1), 70-79. (Open access).
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Wellbeing and perceptions of receiving support among Church of England clergy during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 24(5), 463-477. (Open access).
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Exploring affect balance: Psychological wellbeing of Church of England clergy and laity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Religion and Health, 60, 1556-1575. (Open access).
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Churches and faith: Attitude towards church buildings during the 2020 Covid-19 lockdown among churchgoers in England. Ecclesial Practices, 8, 216-232.
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2021). Shaping attitudes toward church in a time of coronavirus: Exploring the effects of personal, psychological, social, and theological factors among Church of England clergy and laity. Journal of Empirical Theology, 34, 102-128. (Open access).
Books authored:
Ross, C. F. J., & Francis, L. J. (2020). Personality, religion, and leadership: The spiritual dimensions of psychological type theory. New York: Lexington Books. ISBN 978 1 7936 0582 5.
Books edited:
Neal, T., & Francis, L. J. (2020). A new lease of life? Anglican clergy reflect on retirement. Durham: Sacristy Press. ISBN 978 1 7895 9085 2.
Chapters in books:
Fawcett, B. G., Freeze, T., Francis, L. J., & Embrée, R. (2020). The changing religious profile of ‘committed’ Baptist youth in Atlantic Canada 2002-2017: Implications for Christian Higher Education in Canada. In S. E. Porter & B. G. Fawcett (Eds.), Christian higher education in Canada: Challenges and opportunities (pp. 40-60). Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock.
Francis, L. J. (2020). The empirical science of religious education in England and Wales: Drawing on education studies and practical theology. In T. Schlag & B. Schröder (Eds.), Praktische theologie und religionspädagogik: Systematische, empirische und thematische verhältnisbestimmungen (pp. 217-230). Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Sahin, A. (2020). Religion and socio-economic human rights: An empirical enquiry among adolescents in England and Wales. In H.-G. Ziebertz (Ed.), International empirical studies on religion and socio-economic human rights (pp. 169-191). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 978 3 0303 0933 6.
Journal articles:
Breskaya, O., Francis, L. J., & Giordan, G. (2020). Perceptions of the functions of religion and attitude toward religious freedom: Introducing the New Indices of the Functions of Religion (NIFoR). Religions, 11(507), 1-16. (Open access).
Francis, L. J. (2020). Difficult Texts: Ecclesiastes 12: 12 compared with John 21: 25: What does a Canon Theologian do? Theology, 123, 129-131.
Francis, L. J. (2020). Parental and peer influence on church attendance among adolescent Anglicans in England and Wales. Journal of Anglican Studies, 18, 61-73.
Francis, L. J. (2020). Churchgoing and Christian ethics. An empirical study among 13- to 15-year-old students in England and Wales. Journal of Empirical Theology, 33, 197-219.
Francis, L. J. (2020). The relationship between psychological health and attitude toward theistic faith: An empirical enquiry among 13- to 15-year-old students. Greek Journal of Religious Education, 3, 17-33. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Athwal, S., & McKenna, U. (2020). Assessing attitude toward Sikhism: The psychometric properties of the Athwal-Francis Scale among Sikh adolescents. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 23, 234-244.
Francis, L. J., Breskaya, O., Giordan, G., & McKenna, U. (2020). Attitudes toward civil human rights among Italian students of sociology: The effects of religion and theology. Religions, 11(643), 1-20. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Byrne, G., Lewis, C. A., & Sweetman, B. (2020). Religious affect and personal happiness: Are there significant differences between Catholic adolescents in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland? Journal of Religious Education, 68, 13-27.
Francis, L. J., & Crea, G. (2020). The psychometric properties of the Italian translation of the Astley-Francis Scale of Attitude toward Theistic Faith: A study across the age range of 13- to 80-years. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 23, 302-308.
Francis, L. J., & Jones, S. H. (2020). Cathedrals as agents of psychological health and wellbeing within secular societies: Assessing the impact of the Holly Bough service in Liverpool Cathedral. HTS Theological Studies, 76(3), article 6250, 1-8. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Jones, S. H., & McKenna, U. (2020). The Holly Bough service at Liverpool Cathedral and psychological type theory: Fresh expressions or inherited church? HTS Theological Studies, 76(3), article 6275, 1-11. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Jones, S. H., McKenna, U., Pike, N., & Williams, E. (2020). The science of cathedral studies: Exploring demographic profile, motivational intentions, and perceived impact among those attending the Holly Bough service in Liverpool Cathedral. Religions, 11(478), 1-16. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Jones, S. H., & Ross, C. F. (2020). Is God really good to the upright? Theological educators exploring Psalm 73 through the Jungian lenses of sensing, intuition, feeling and thinking. HTS Theological Studies, 76(1), article 6171, 1-11. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Lankshear, D. W., & Eccles, E. L. (2020). Assessing student attitude toward Christianity in Church in Wales primary schools: Does aided status make a difference? British Journal of Religious Education, 42, 56-64.
Francis, L. J., Lankshear, D. W., Eccles, E. L., & McKenna, U. (2020). Sustaining churchgoing young Anglicans in England and Wales: Assessing influence of the home. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 41, 34-50.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Arweck, E. (2020). Countering anti-Muslim attitudes among Christian and religiously unaffiliated 13- to 15-year-old students in England and Wales: Testing the contact hypothesis. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 41, 342-357.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Lewis, C. A. (2020). Shifts in denominational differences in student attitude toward Christianity in Northern Ireland 1979-2011. Journal of Religious Education, 68, 409-415.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Powell, R. (2020). Ecclesia domestica and the role of the home in sustaining young churchgoing Catholics: An empirical enquiry among 8- to 14-year-olds in Australia. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 31, 338-359.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Powell, R. (2020). The internal consistency reliability and construct validity of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity (modified short-form) among 8- to 14-year-old churchgoers in Australia. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 31, 300-318.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Sahin, A. (2020). Exploring Psalm 73: 1-10 through sensing and intuition: Applying the SIFT approach to biblical hermeneutics among Muslim educators. HTS Theological Studies, 76(3), article 6093, 1-7. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Powell, R., & McKenna, U. (2020). Religion and personal happiness among young churchgoers in Australia: The importance of the affective dimension. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 31, 319-337.
Francis, L. J., Powell, R., & Village, A. (2020). Mystical experience and emotional wellbeing: A study among Australian church leaders. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 41, 509-513.
Francis, L. J., & Village, A. (2020). Christian ethos secondary schools, parental church attendance and student attitude toward Christianity. Exploring connections in England and Wales. British Journal of Religious Education, 42, 298-312.
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Lawson, A. (2020). Impact of Covid-19 on fragile churches: Is the rural situation really different? Rural Theology, 18, 79-86.
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Voas, D. (2020). The changing psychological type profile and psychological temperament of Church of England clergy. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 31, 93-110.
Village, A., & Francis, L. J. (2020). Faith in lockdown: Experience of rural Church of England clergy and laity during the Covid-19 pandemic. Rural Theology, 18, 79-86.
Books edited:
Byrne, G., & Francis, L. J. (Eds.) (2019). Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland. Dublin: Veritas. ISBN 978 1 84730 890 0.
Chapters in books:
Byrne, G., Francis, L. J., McKenna, U. (2019). Exploring the social benefit of religious education in post-primary schools within the Republic of Ireland: An empirical enquiry among 13- to 15-year-old students. In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 203-221). Dublin: Veritas.
Byrne, G., Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Sweetman, B. (2019). Exploring the personal, social and spiritual worldview of male adolescent atheists within the Republic of Ireland. An empirical enquiry. In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 247-269). Dublin: Veritas.
Byrne, G., Francis, L. J., Sweetman, B., & McKenna, U. (2019). Sustaining churchgoing young Catholics in the Republic of Ireland: Assessing the importance of parental example. In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 223-245). Dublin: Veritas.
Francis, L. J., Lewis, C. A., & McKenna, U. (2019). Denominational differences in students’ religious and moral values in Northern Ireland: Still worlds apart? In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 47-76). Dublin: Veritas.
Francis, L. J., McGrady, A., & McKenna, U. (2019). When women cease to be more religious than men: The changing face of sex differences in religious affect among young adult Catholics in the Republic of Ireland. In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 145-161). Dublin: Veritas.
Francis, L. J., McGrady, A., Williams, K., & McKenna, U. (2019). Growing up Catholic in Ireland: The intersectionality of gender and nationality. In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 77-101). Dublin: Veritas.
Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2019). The experience of victimisation among Christian adolescents in the UK: The effect of psychological and religious factors. In U. Riegel, S. Heil, B. Kalbheim, & A. Unser (Eds.), Understanding religion: Empirical perspectives in practical theology. (Essays in honour of Hans-Georg Ziebertz (pp. 55-78). Munster: Waxmann. ISBN 978 3 8309 4054 8.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Sahin, A. (2019). Religion, human rights and matters of life and death: Exploring attitude toward abortion and euthanasia among adolescents in England and Wales. In H.-G. Ziebertz & F. Zacaria (Eds.), Euthanasia, death penalty and religion in the rights to life and its limitations: International empirical research (pp. 139-159). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. ISBN 978 3 319 98772 9.
Francis, L. J., Penny, G., & Astley, J. (2019). Christian identities, theologies of religion, and attitude toward religious diversity: A study among 13- to 15-year-old students across the UK. In H. S. Shipley and E. Arweck (Eds.), Young people and the diversity of (non) religious identities in international perspective (pp. 87-107). Dordrecht: Springer. ISBN 978 3 030 16165 1.
Lewis, C. A., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2019). Profile of Protestant sixth-form religion in Northern Ireland 1968-2011: The Greer legacy. In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 23-46). Dublin: Veritas.
McGrady, A., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2019). The religious identity of 16- to 19-year-old Catholic school-leavers within the Republic of Ireland in 2003: Exploring sex differences. In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 163-185). Dublin: Veritas.
McGrady, A., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2019). The McGrady Index of Parental Attitude toward Catholic Schools (MIPACS): Reliability and validity among Catholic parents within the Republic of Ireland. In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 187-200). Dublin: Veritas.
McGrady, A., McKenna, U., & Francis, L. J. (2019). Catholic identities, religious faith and moral values: An empirical enquiry among 16- to 19- year-old male students in the Republic of Ireland. In G. Byrne and L. J. Francis (Eds.), Religion and Education: The voices of young people in Ireland (pp. 125-143). Dublin: Veritas.
Journal articles:
Francis, L. J. (2019). From a Rural Pulpit: Holy Baptism. Rural Theology, 17, 60-61.
Francis, L. J., ap Siôn, T., Lankshear, D. W., & Eccles, E. L. (2019). Factors shaping prayer frequency among 9- to 11-year-olds. Greek Journal of Religious Education, 2(1), 39-52. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Astley, J., & McKenna, U. (2019). Science disproves the biblical account of creation: Exploring the predictors of perceived conflict between science and religion among 13- to 15-year-old students. British Journal of Religious Education, 41, 188-201. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., & Casson, A. (2019). Retaining young Catholics in the Church: Assessing the importance of parental example. Journal of Religious Education, 67, 1-16.
Francis, L. J., & Crea, G. (2019). Personality and vocational motivation: A study among Catholic seminarians in Italy employing the Big Five and the NIRO. Review of Religious Research, 61, 259-271.
Francis, L. J., Crea, G., & McKenna, U. (2019). The Purpose-in-Life Scale (PILS): Internal consistency reliability, concurrent validity and construct validity among Catholic priests in Italy. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 22(6), 602-613.
Francis, L. J., Emslie, N. J., & Payne, V. J. (2019). The effect of emotional intelligence on work-related psychological health among Anglican clergy in Wales. Journal of Religion and Health, 58, 1631-1647.
Francis, L. J., Foster, S., Lankshear, D. W., & Jones, I. (2019). What helps Christians grow? An exploratory study distinguishing among four distinctive pathways. Pastoral Psychology, 68, 379-392.
Francis, L. J., & Giordan, G. (2019). The association between psychological type profile and church attendance among female Italian students: A challenge to sociological theories? Studi di Sociologia, 2019(3), 213-226.
Francis, L. J., Howell, D., Hill, P., & McKenna, U. (2019). Assessing the impact of a paid children, youth or family worker on Anglican congregations in England. Journal of Research on Christian Education, 23, 43-50.
Francis, L. J., Jones, S. H., & Hebden, K. (2019). Binding and loosing on earth: Evaluating the strategy for church disciplinary procedures proposed in Matthew 18: 15-18 through the lenses of thinking and feeling. HTS Theological Studies, 75(3), article 5474, 1-10. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Jones, S. H., & Martinson, J. (2019). Exploring the Marcan account of the Baptism of Jesus through psychological lenses: An empirical study within a Black-led Black-majority Pentecostal church. Journal of the European Pentecostal Theology Association, 39, 100-115.
Francis, L. J., & Lankshear, D. W. (2019). Work-related psychological health and psychological type: A study among primary school teachers in Wales. Research Papers in Education, 34, 391-404.
Francis, L. J., Laycock, P., & Ratter, H. (2019). Testing the Francis Burnout Inventory among Anglican clergy in England. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 22, 1057-1067.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Lewis, C. A. (2019). Personality, spirituality and the formation of character virtues among 11- to 16-year-old students in England and Wales. Spirituality of a Personality, 2(89), 218-238. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Payne, V. J., & Emslie, N. (2019). Just how emotionally intelligent are religious leaders in Britain? A study among Anglican clergy in Wales. Pastoral Psychology, 68, 261-269.
Francis, L. J., Strathie, D., & Ross, C. F. (2019). Reading the Beatitudes (Matthew 5: 1-10) through the lenses of introverted intuition and introverted sensing: Perceiving text differently. HTS Theological Studies, 75(4), article 5475, 1-8. (Open access).
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Powell, R. (2019). Quest religious orientation among church leaders in Australia: A function of psychological predisposition or openness to mystical experience? Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 11, 123-130.
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Voas, D. (2019). The turn toward extraversion: The changing psychological profile of Anglican clergy. Journal of Empirical Theology, 32, 89-104.
Francis, L. J., & Whinney, M. (2019). The psychological profile of Church of England male archdeacons at the beginning of the twenty-first century: Drawing on psychological type and temperament theory. Journal of Anglican Studies, 17, 74-92.
Giannone, D., Kaplin, D., & Francis, L. J. (2019). Exploring two approaches to an existential function of religiosity in mental health. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 22, 56-72.
Jones, S. J., & Francis, L. J. (2019). Searching for the lost sheep (Matthew 18: 10-14): Do sensing types and intuitive types find different things? Rural Theology, 17, 106-113.
McKenna, U., & Francis, L. J. (2019). Growing up female and Muslim in the UK: An empirical enquiry into the distinctive religious and social values of young Muslims. British Journal of Religious Education, 41, 388-401. (Open access).
Trowsdale, J., McKenna, U., & Francis, L. J. (2019). Evaluating The Imagineerium: The Trowsdale Indices of Confidence in Competence, Creativity and Learning (TICCCL). Thinking Skills and Creativity, 32, 75-81.
Books edited 2018:
Astley, J., Francis, L. J., & Lankshear, D. W. (Eds.) (2018). Values, human rights and religious education: Contested grounds. Oxford: Peter Lang. ISBN 978 17 8874 525 3.
Chapters in books 2018:
Francis, L. J. (2018). Healthy leadership: The science of clergy work-related psychological health. Edited collection. In R. Brouwer (Ed.), The future of lived religious leadership (pp. 116-134). Amsterdam: VU University Press. ISBN 978 90 8659 774 1.
Francis, L. J., McKenna, M., & Robbins, M. (2018). Attitude toward political rights and religious affiliation, experience, saliency and openness: An empirical enquiry among students in England and Wales. In C. Sterkens & H.-G. Ziebertz (Eds.), Political and judicial rights through the prism of religious belief (pp. 1-21). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. 978 3 319 77352 0.
Francis, L. J., Village, A., McKenna, U., & Penny, G. (2018). Freedom of religion and freedom of religious clothing and symbols in school: Exploring the impact of church schools in a religiously diverse society. In H.-G. Ziebertz & C. Sterkens (Eds.), Religion and civil human rights in empirical perspective (pp. 157-175). Dordrecht: Springer. ISBN 978 3 319 59285 5.
Journal articles 2018:
Francis, L. J. (2018). The myth of the Old Rectory and the demise of rural Anglicanism. Rural Theology, 16, 136-138. ISSN 1470 4994.
Francis, L. J., Astley, J., & McKenna, U. (2018). Belief in God, belief in science: Exploring the psychological correlates of scientific fundamentalism as implicit religion. Implicit Religion, 21, 383-412. ISSN 1463 9955.
Francis, L. J., Casson, A., & McKenna, U. (2018). Christian ethos secondary schools in England and Wales: A common voice or wide diversity? Journal of Beliefs and Values, 39, 445-462. ISSN 1361 7672.
Francis, L. J., & Crea, G. (2018). Happiness matters: Exploring the linkages between personality, personal happiness and work-related psychological health among priests and sisters in Italy. Pastoral Psychology, 67, 17-32. ISSN 0031 2789.
Francis, L. J., & Crea, G. (2018). The psychological temperament of Catholic priests and religious sisters in Italy. Research in the Social Scientific Study of Religion, 29, 22-33. ISSN 1046 5237.
Francis, L. J., Fisher, J. W., Lankshear, D. W., & Eccles, E. L. (2018). Modelling the effect of worship attendance and personal prayer on spiritual wellbeing among 9- to 11-year-old students attending Anglican church schools in Wales. International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, 23, 30-44. ISSN 1364 436X.
Francis, L. J., Lankshear, D. W., & Eccles, E. L. (2018). How students perceive attending Church in Wales primary schools: A psychometric assessment of Section 50 inspection criteria. Research in Education, 102, 2-12. ISSN 0034 5237.
Francis, L. J., & Lewis, C. A. (2018). Religious affect and self-esteem: An empirical enquiry among 10-to 12-year-old participants. Spirituality of a Personality, 2(83), 209-220. ISSN 2220 6310.
Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2018). The experience of victimisation among Muslim adolescents in the UK: The effect of psychological and religious factors. Religions, 9, 243, 1-15. ISSN 2077 1444. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., McKenna, U., & Sahin, A. (2018). Facing the issues raised in Psalm 1 through thinking and feeling: Applying the SIFT approach to biblical hermeneutics among Muslim educators. Religions, 9(323), 1-11. ISSN 2077 1444. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., Payne, V. J., & Emslie, N. (2018). The construct validity of the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale in light of psychological type theory: A study among Anglican clergy. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 21, 945-959. ISSN 1367 4676.
Francis, L. J., Penny, G., & Powell, R. (2018). Assessing peer and parental influence on the religious attitudes and attendance of young churchgoers: Exploring the Australian National Church Life Survey. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 39, 57-72. ISSN 1361 7672.
Francis, L. J., Pike, M. A., Lickona, T., Lankshear, D. W., & Nestfield, V. (2018). Evaluating the Narnian Virtues Character Education Curriculum Programme: A study among 11- to 13-year-old students. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 39, 233-249. ISSN 1361 7672.
Francis, L. J., & Ross, C. F. (2018). Psychologically-informed engagement with the Matthean pericopes on Pilate and Judas through Jungian lenses: The SIFT approach. HTS Theological Studies, 74(1), article 5179, 1-12. ISSN 0259 9422. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., & Smith, G. (2018). Difficult texts: Psalm 1. Theology, 121, 197-200. ISSN 0040 5714.
Francis, L. J., & Smith, G. (2018). Changing patterns in recruitment to stipendiary ministry: A study in psychological profiling. Theology, 121, 268-277. ISSN 0040 5714.
Francis, L. J., Smith, G., & Corio, A. S. (2018). I hate them with perfect hatred: Exploring Psalm 139 through the Jungian lenses of sensing, intuition, feeling, and thinking. HTS Theological Studies, 74(1), article 5058, 1-9. ISSN 0259 9422. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., Smith, G., & Francis-Dehqani, G. (2018). Empirical explorations into biblical theologies of grace: Employing the SIFT approach among Anglican clergy. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 37, 217-234. ISSN 0733 4273.
Francis, L. J., & Stevenson, A. (2018). Profiling Methodist leadership. Holiness, 4(1), 7-26. ISSN 2058 5969. (Open access)
Francis, L. J., Village, A., & Voas, D. (2018). Stress levels among parish clergy: The benefits of feeling supported. Journal of Empirical Theology, 31, 265-287. ISSN 0922 2936.
Giordan, G., Francis, L. J., & Crea, G. (2018). The persistence of spiritual experience among religious and unchurched Italians: Employing the Mystical Orientation Scale Revised. Journal of Contemporary Religion, 33, 447-465. ISSN 1353 7903.
Lankshear, D. W., Francis, L. J., & Eccles, E. L. (2018). Monitoring attitude toward Christianity among year 5 and year 6 students attending Church in Wales primary schools. International Journal of Christianity and Education, 22, 112-127. ISSN 2056 9971.
Tekke, M., Francis, L. J., & Robbins, M. (2018). Religious affect and personal happiness: A replication among Sunni students in Malaysia. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 11(2), 3-15. ISSN 1556 4908. (Open access)
Village, A., Payne, V. J., & Francis, L. J. (2018). Testing the balanced affect model of clergy work-related psychological health: Replication among Anglican clergy in Wales. Rural Theology, 16, 93-100. ISSN 1470 4994.
Wilkinson, J., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2018). Personal prayer, worship attendance and spiritual wellbeing: A study among fourth, fifth and sixth class students attending Church of Ireland schools in the Republic of Ireland. Journal of Religious Education, 66, 203-212. ISSN 1442 018X.
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