Dr Sheine Peart
Dr Sheine Peart joined Bishop Grosseteste University in April 2019 from Nottingham Trent University. She is an Associate Professor in Access, Equality and Inclusion and is based within the Research Team at BGU. She is Programme Leader for Education based PhDs and the Education Doctorate as well as contributing to other education courses. She has had a diverse career in education working as a secondary school teacher, youth worker and education adviser before moving into higher education (HE) in 2006. Immediately before teaching in HE she worked in the further education (FE) sector for 15 years teaching numeracy to learners on a wide variety of vocational programmes and managing teacher education programmes.
She has wide knowledge of practical classroom issues, extensive experience of working with learners who present challenging behaviour and an outstanding track record in supporting students, helping them to identify and achieve their goals. Her outstanding doctoral research on the experience of Black male learners in the post-compulsory sector which privileged the voices of marginalized, silenced learners won the national BERA/SAGE award for research.
Sheine’s education qualifications include a Post-Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE Secondary Education), Bachelor of Science (Hons.), Master of Arts in Education and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Dr Sheine Peart is happy to answer any queries regarding BGU's Doctoral courses. Email sheine.peart@bishopg.ac.uk
Sheine teaches across a range of programmes/courses at BGU. She course leads the Doctorate programmes and contributes to the MA, BA and FdA programmes, with a particular focus on Inclusion, Equality and Qualitative Research Methods.
Sheine research interests are focussed on social justice and inclusion and the way that education can support and promote inclusion or can act to marginalise and discriminate against individuals and groups. She is particularly interested in the experience of minoritized groups and their experience of and access to services. Her recent works have explored homeless young people’s experience of education.
Dr Peart has supervised a number of doctoral students (PhD and EdD) to successful completion and has also helped these same students publish their work. Areas of Supervision expertise include:
Areas of Supervision expertise include:
- Teaching and practice in post-compulsory education and training
- Social Justice and Inclusion in Education
- The impact of race on the success and experience of learners
- Supporting students with special educational needs
- The identity of professional educators
Belinda Ferguson (PhD, 2019) Designing Feedback to Enhance Learning for Pupils in KS3 (ages 11-14) in an East Midlands Secondary school Nottingham Trent University Violet Gachago (PhD, 2019) An Exploration of Inclusion for Students with Special Needs in Kenya Twenty Years After Salamanca Call Nottingham Trent University Lise Georgeson (EdD, 2018) Dyads in the Lecture Theatre: An Exploration of Leader/Follower Exchange in Higher Education and Engaging Students in Learning Nottingham Trent University Jane Chambers (EdD, 2017) The Professional Identity of teacher Educators in Higher Education: The Experience of Motherhood’ Nottingham Trent University Irena Grounds (EdD, 2016) Exploring Outstanding Teaching Potential in Early Career Teachers on their Personal and Professional Journey to Becoming Newly Qualified Teachers’ Nottingham Trent University
Abdulrahman, H.K., Lawrence, C., Mahon, C. and Peart, S. (2023) “We will travel together” Can we use picture books to support our understanding of Black autism? NATE Primary, Summer 2023
Peart, S., (2023) Equality and Diversity and Inclusive Practice: Significance for Organisations and Individuals, in Leadership and Management for Education Studies: Introducing Key Concepts of Theory and Practice, Deborah Outhwaite and Catherine Simon (eds) Routledge: Oxon
Gachago, V and, Peart, S., (2022) “One Step Forward, One Step Back” Inclusive Education in Kenya, in Disability and Inclusion: Global Perspectives, Zeta Williams and Alan Hodkinson (eds) Routledge: Oxon
Abdulrahman, H. K., Lawrence, C., Peart, S. (2022). Being autistic and Black. Black History Month Magazine.
Collyer, E., Peart, S., Abdulrahman, H. K., Lawrence, C., & Mahon, C. (2022). Exploring the representation of Black autistic people in children’s picture books. BERA blog.
Harding, R., Betts, L., Wright, D., Peart, S. and Sjolin, C, (2022) Adolescent Girls’ Experiences of Street Harassment: Emotions, Comments, Impact, Action and the Law, in Misogyny as Hate Crime, Irene Zempi and Jo Smith (eds) Routledge: Oxon, ISBN: 978 0 367 52129 5
Peart, S (2019) A Child’s Image and Their Toys, in Communication for the Early Years, A Holistic Approach, Julie Kent and Moira Moran (eds) Routledge: Oxon, ISBN: 978 0 8153 4861 0
Sood, K., Peart, S. and Mistry, M. (2018) Becoming a Successful School Leader: Developing New Insights, Routledge: Abingdon ISBN: 978 1 13810 055 8
Spry, L., Foster, C., Peart, S. and Pich, C., (2018) Managing Higher Education Brands with an Emerging Brand Architecture: The Role of Shared Values and Competing Brand Identities. Journal of Strategic Marketing. ISSN 0965-254X
Peart, S. (2018) The Significance of Further Education for Black Males. Education + Training, ISSN 0040-0912
Betts, L., Harding, R., Peart, S., Sjolin Knight, C., Wright, D. and Newbold, K. (2018) Adolescents’ Experiences of Street Harassment: Creating a Typology and Assessing the Emotional Impact Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research DOI: 10.1108/JACPR-12-2017-0336
Byrom T. and Peart, S. (2017) Young and Homeless Exploring Education, Life Experiences and Aspirations of Homeless Youth UCL Institute of Education Press (Trentham Books): London ISBN: 978 1 85856 804 1
Ruebain, D. and Peart, S. (2016) Disabled Children, Inclusion and the Law in England and Wales, in Key Issues for Teaching Assistants, Working in Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms, Gill Richards and Felicity Armstrong (eds), Routledge: London, ISBN: 978 1 138 91962 4
Anderson, N. and Peart, S. (2016) Back on Track: Exploring How a FE College Re-motivates Learners to Re-sit Previously Failed qualifications at GCSE, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, Volume 21, Issue 3 pp196-213, DOI: 10.1080/13596748.2016.1196978
Peart, S. (2016) How the Equality Act is Understood and Implemented in FE, Race Equality Teaching, Volume 33, Number 3, pp24–29, DOI 10.18546/RET.33.3.06
Peart, S. (2015) Bullying as an Institutionally Exclusionary Practice – Implications of Ignoring Culturally Specific Support Needs of Black Male Students in FE, Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, Volume 15, Number 3, pp194–201, DOI 10.1111/1471-3802.12115
Flint, K. and Peart, S. (2015) Is There Any Justice in Being Anything but White – a Philosophical Study of Racism in England. Race Equality Teaching, Issue 3 Autumn 2015, pp5-9, DOI 10.18546/RET.33.2.03
Peart, S. (2014) Equality and Diversity in Further Education, Critical Publishing: Northwich, ISBN: 978 1 909330 97 9
Peart, S. (2013) Making Education Work - How Black Men Navigate the Further Education Sector, Trentham Books: Stoke on Trent, ISBN: 978 1 85856 509 5
Peart, S. (2012) The Impact of Culture on Participation: Black Men and Boys Experience of FE. Race Equality Teaching, Issue 3 Autumn, pp24-26, ISSN: 14788551
Peart, S. and Atkins, L. (2011) Teaching 14-19 Learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector, Learning Matters: Exeter, ISBN: 978 1 84445 365 8
Peart, S (2010) Responding to Learners’ Literacy and Numeracy Needs, in The Lifelong Learning Sector: Reflective Reader, Sue Wallace (ed) Learning Matters: Exeter, ISBN: 978 1 844 45296 5
Peart, S. (2009) The Minimum Core for Numeracy: Knowledge, Understanding and Personal Skills, Learning Matters: Exeter, ISBN: 978 1 84445 217 0
2023, Abdulrahman, H. K., Lawrence, C., S. Matthan, Peart, S. Can you see me?Exploring representation of minority and underrepresented peoples in higher education
British Education Research Association, Aston University 12-14 September
2023, Gachago, V., Peart, S. Inclusive Education Symposium; considering social, historical, cultural, and regional practices. One Step Forward, One Step Back – Inclusive Education in Kenya
British Education Research Association, Aston University 12-14 September
Abdulrahman, H. K., Lawrence, C., Peart, S. (2022). Where are the Black autistic children? AUTISTICA research festival.
Collyer, E., Peart, S., Abdulrahman, H. K., Lawrence, C., & Mahon, C. (2022). Representation of Black autistic people in children’s picture books: different perspectives. Advance HE Race and Equality Colloquium.
2021, Huddersfield University, 21 April Supporting Students of Colour in FE and HE -What’s New? Invited Webinar
2018, Sudbury Museum of Childhood – Have Your Say Saturday, 6 October Black Dolls and the Power of Representation – How a Child’s Image is Reflected and Communicated Through Toys Invited Presentation
2018, Annual Conference for Research in Education, Edgehill University 27 September Challenging Inequality through Education: The Role of Further Education (FE) for Young Homeless People
2018, British Education Research Association, Northumbria University 11-13 September Challenging Inequality through Education: How Compulsory Education Fails and Why Homeless Young People Needs a Second Chance
2018 Victoria and Albert Museum, Race, Games and Play, 9 February – The Black British Experience and Hidden messages Found in Children’s Stories, Nursery Rhymes and Toys, Invited Presentation
2017 Wright, D., Betts, L., Harding, R., Peart, S., Sjolin Knight, C., Investigating children’s accounts of street harassment (irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/32292) In: 13th Biennial International Association of Forensic Linguists Conference, The University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 10-14 July.
2017 Betts, L., Harding, R., Peart, S., Sjolin Knight, C., Wright, D. and Newbold, K. Street harassment of children and young people of secondary school age: an inter-disciplinary, child-inspired study (irep.ntu.ac.uk/id/eprint/32293) In: Social Policy Association Annual Conference 2017, University of Durham, Durham, 10-12 July.
2017 Wright, D., Betts, L., Harding, R., Peart, S., and Sjolin Knight, C. Understanding street harassment of children: identifying recurrent behaviours in a corpus of young people’s accounts of harassment. Paper presented at Corpus Linguistics 2017, University of Birmingham, 24-28 July.
2017 TRG Poverty and Education Final Conference, Invited Presentation, Kings College, London, Education’s Blackspot
2017, British Education Research Association, University of Sussex Experiences and Expectations of Mature Trainee FE Tutors (with Dr Vicky Duckworth Edgehill University)
2016, University of Birmingham, Invited Presentation, The Public Worth of Education and Further Education
2015, Landmarks Specialist College, Eckington, Derbyshire, Invited Presentation, The Threat of Radicalisation and Extremism to Vulnerable Students
2014, Journal for Special Educational Needs Sixth Invitation Research Seminar, Nottingham, Bullying as an Institutionally Exclusionary Practice
2014, St Brendan's Sixth Form College, Brislington, Bristol, Invited Presentation, Supporting Black Youth in Post-Compulsory Education
2014, East Midlands Further Education Consortium (EMFEC), Nottingham, Invited Presentation, Supporting Black Males in Further Education
2014, Nottingham Community Housing Association with Nottingham Trent University, Bringing About Change – Encouraging Homeless Young People into Education (with Tina Byrom: NTU and Gemma de Brito: Nottingham Community Housing Association)
2013, Hong Kong College of Technology, Supporting Minority Groups in Education
2013, INTED-International Association for Technology Education and Development, Valencia, Working Towards Success: The Role of Dedicated Support for Black Male Students in Vocational Education, ISBN 978 84 616 2661 8
2013, Bilborough Sixth Form College, Nottingham, Invited presentation, Bridging the Gap – Making Education Work for Minority Ethnic Groups
2013, Nottingham Trent University, School of Education Second Research Conference, Making a Difference: Support in Practice
2013, East Midlands Further Education Consortium (EMFEC), Nottingham, Issues and Challenges for Black Males in Further Education
2012, INTED-International Association for Technology Education and Development, Valencia, Experiencing Success: Strategies Adopted by Black Men and Boys to Access the Curriculum within Further Education, ISBN 978 84 615 5563 5
2012, Leicester College, Leicester, Invited to give presentation, Supporting Inclusion in the Diverse FE Classroom
2012, Nottingham Trent University Teaching and Learning Conference, Making Learning Work
2011, INTED-International Association for Technology Education and Development, Valencia, Engaging Reluctant Learners – Reflections on What Works, ISBN 978 84 614 7423 3
2011, Nottingham Trent University Teaching and Learning Conference, Supporting Black Male Students
2008, British Education Research Association, Heriot Watt University Supporting Black Males Articulate Their View of Further Education
2007, British Education Research Association, Institute of Education, London The Educational Experience of Black Males in the Further Education Sector
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