Bishop Grosseteste University is a special and unique place to study. During your time here you will form a special bond with friends, with tutors and with the campus.
As one of our alumni, you may feel you want to give a little back to BGU. This might be financial, or it might be by way of support in a different capacity. We value and appreciate any involvement our alumni have with the University, and as such we have a number of ways in which you can help. As alumni, you are one of our greatest advocates.
The Old Students’ Association
The OSA is our Old Students’ Association. Dating back to 1892, this group of former students is run by a Committee of OSA members. Open to any past student, the OSA offer a yearly reunion on campus and have several active branches across the country who hold social gatherings throughout the year. To join the OSA, please contact the Alumni Relations Office via email at
If you would like any further information about the OSA, please contact us via the email address provided above.
What will my BG Generations Membership Get Me?
As a member of BG Generations, you can access a range of internal BGU services and a number of discounts both internally and with external organisations. Find out more below.
Careers Support
As Alumni, you are entitled to careers support for up to five years after graduation. This includes:
- Building your CV
- Tailoring applications
- Interview and Selection Day techniques
- Personal Statements for Postgraduate Study
- Getting started on LinkedIn
- Volunteering Opportunities
- Career Guidance
- When you’re unsure of next steps
- Exploring what career ideas you are interested in
For more information, or to book a one-to-one appointment with our careers team, please contact the Career Readiness Team via email at Alternatively you can use our online appointment booking service, Career Connect, which you can access here.
You can sign up to Career Connect as a ‘Former Student’ with your personal email address. This means you will continue to have access to Careers Support after you leave University. You can book careers appointments on the platform, as well as look for opportunities through our ‘opportunities’ search tool.
BG Course Discounts
Members of our Alumni community may be entitled to a discount on our Master’s courses. To see the full list of MA Courses available, please click here. If you would like to check your eligibility for a discount, you can email
and a member of the team will be able to assist you further.
Sports & Fitness Centre
As a member of BG Generations, you can still access our on-campus Sports & Fitness Centre. You may also be eligible for concessionary facility hire and/or membership rates – these will be noted on the relevant price lists which you can find here. For further information, or to arrange a viewing, please contact the Sports & Fitness Centre directly via email at
Members of BG Generations are entitled to lifelong membership of our Library and may borrow up to eight items at a time, upon payment of a £50 deposit. An alumnus may terminate their library membership and have their deposit refunded at any time upon request. To join the library, please contact the team directly via email at
More for alumni
BG Generations ensures that you’ll always be part of the BGU family.
Start taking advantage of all the great opportunities BGU can provide after you have graduated.
A new national survey about graduates' activities and perspectives.