In today’s competitive world, it’s important to develop and evidence personal skills alongside your degree. This will boost your confidence and help you reach your potential. The Graduate Attributes Award supports you in enhancing these skills and recognising those you already have.
The Graduate Attributes Award will help you to:
- Enhance your personal development by gaining new skills
- Be recognised for your achievements by the University
- Participate in activities, meet new people and have fun!

Sign up for the Graduate Attributes Excellence Award
Graduate Attributes Excellence Award
Each Graduate Attribute is embedded in your degree, but to earn the Excellence Award, you can participate in additional activities.
The Excellence Award includes:
- Watching a short induction session
- 40 Hours of Part time work or volunteering
- 6 Extra-curricular activities which support your skill development, examples can include (but is not limited to):
- A Career Readiness Appointment
- A Learning Development Appointment
- An extra-curricular lecture
- Using the Foundation Fund
- Being a course representative
- A Graduate Attributes Review Appointment with a member of the careers team to discuss your activities and make a decision about your final piece
- A final reflective piece, in which you choose one of the following:
- Video Log
- Mock interview
- Reflective writing piece
- Panel Verification stage
Ready to start the Excellence Award?
Click here to go straight to the online platform, Careers Connect, and start your award with a video induction.
Graduate Attributes Volunteering Award
The Graduate Attributes Volunteering Award gives you the opportunity to record, accredit and reflect on your volunteering activity*.
All you need to do to record evidence is record & upload your hours and get your employer/host to sign them off!
As you build your hours and reach a new tier in the award, you will be able to request a certificate to recognise your outstanding achievement!
Tiers of the GA Volunteering Award:
SILVER = 100
GOLD = 200
*Only those hours over and above course activity will be eligible to be used towards the GA Volunteering Award. You can backdate your hours to when you began your course.
Ready to start the Volunteering Award?
Click here to go straight to the online platform, Careers Connect, and begin logging your volunteering hours.
Got questions?
Email or book an appointment to find out more.
Graduate Attributes
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