Important information for students starting at BGU, or returning to BGU, in September 2024
Tell us about any support you require. All new students are required to complete this simple Access Needs Declaration Form and email it to
Returning students are required to fill in this Access Needs Declaration Form only if their circumstances have changed over the summer.
Please make arrangements to obtain the MMR (2 doses) vaccination and the MenACWY (Meningitis) vaccination, if you have not already done so. To do this, you may need to register with a local doctor.

Registering with a local doctor
BGU recommends you register with a local doctor (GP) based in Lincoln during your time as a BGU student, as you will spend the majority of the year in Lincoln. Registration is easy, and you can register at another GP surgery once you have finished your studies.
The following form is used to register with a GP practice – you should download it and take it with you to the practice you wish to join. We have included details of two local practices you may wish to consider using:
Minster Medical Practice:
2 Cabourne Court
Cabourne Avenue
The Minster Medical Practice is nearest to the BGU campus
The University of Lincoln Health Service (ULHS):
3 Campus Way
The ULHS is a cross-campus practice which services the University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln, and BGU. The GPs are well-versed in dealing with student issues (e.g. applications for extenuating circumstances, and Disabled Students Allowances) and despite being located in downhill Lincoln, there are plans for the NHS to introduce access via their App and via Skype – so the physical location may not be a barrier once these services are introduced. You are also able to register online for the ULHS.